..⃗. 𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐳 𑁍ࠜೄ ・゚ˊˎ

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❝ That… that was… ❞ Jisoo began, an audible gulp pausing his sentence, and the way Seokmin was patiently looking at him was making him melt all over again, ❝ you… all along? ❞

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That… that was… ❞ Jisoo began, an audible gulp pausing his sentence, and the way Seokmin was patiently looking at him was making him melt all over again, ❝ you… all along?

Seokmin’s reply was a single confident nod. Jisoo let out a long exhale, slowly taking the situation in bits and pieces. ❝ So you also heard everything... ❞  he uttered, gaze slowly falling towards the soft grass he was nervously scuffing his feet on.

Recollections of him gushing about Seokmin to what he assumed was just some student’s pet that enjoyed loitering around the castle flooded his mind and Jisoo sincerely hoped the moonlight wasn't sufficient enough to illuminate the way his ears were most likely getting bright red in embarrassment. Jisoo buried his face in his hands, ❝ Oh lord, how do you not avoid me like the plague after all of that, ❞ he muttered, words muffled by his palms.

To his surprise, a hearty chuckle reached Jisoo’s reddened ears. ❝ I’m here exactly because I heard everything, ❞ he heard Seokmin reply in a voice laced with buoyancy, while Jisoo felt fingers gently wrap themselves around one of his wrists. ❝ Look at me? Please? ❞ Seokmin pleaded, tone as soft as silk, and there was no way Jisoo was capable of refusing that.

When the prefect looked up once more, he noticed  that Seokmin was lightly gnawing on his lip. The relaxed confidence the younger had carried himself with until now, had toned down. Seokmin still hadn’t let go of Jisoo’s wrist, and Jisoo hoped that detail remained as it is.

You… ❞ Seokmin started, voice slightly nervous, ❝ you almost suffocated me a few times, ruined my sleep schedule, and made me learn much more about your roommates’ nasty habits than I ever would’ve liked to. ❞ Jisoo looked borderline scandalized upon hearing his words and Seokmin hurried to carry on before he could get distracted by the Slytherin’s pout and permanently miss his train of thought.

But even after all of that… you’re just unfairly adorable, ❞ Seokmin said, and that specific smile that had made Jisoo’s mind short-circuit almost a year ago had florenced on his expression again. ❝ I kind of was scared that you would hex me after you realize I’ve been coming back to listen to you talk about a ton of personal stuff all these nights, but I really couldn’t help it.

Seokmin let go of Jisoo’s wrist to softly take hold of his hand instead. ❝ You probably have no idea how calming your voice is to listen to, and when it gets all soft when you talk about something you love it’s even better. You’re also more thoughtful than anyone I’ve known and I’ll possibly never get tired of you talking about your ambitions because your eyes just get this lively glint in them. I think I have permanent eye bags from staying up so often to catch you on patrol, but honestly, it was all worth it.

This was followed by a jittery pause, a deep inhale.

I really, really like you, ❞ Seokmin confessed with a firm voice, albeit slightly shaky towards the end; he looked down to where he was playing with Jisoo’s hand to calm his nerves, ❝ So here I am. I enjoyed spending time with you as a ball of fur, but I think I’ll love it even more when I’m like this. ❞ His eyes shifted upwards to meet Jisoo’s gaze dead on, ❝ If you want to, that is.

Courtesy of his older sister who had read too many of those muggle author romance books, Jisoo himself was more knowledgeable about those hefty piles of clichés than he’d like to admit out loud.

Yet no amount of awareness would have ever prepared him for the way he felt right now. It was as if his heart had turned into foam and had spread a sense of profound affection throughout his entire chest. The corners of his lips almost hurt from how widely he was smiling.

Jisoo smoothly laced his fingers with Seokmin as he asked ❝ Can I hug you? ❞ in a voice brimming with happiness. And as expected, Seokmin’s answer came in the form of two arms tightly weaving themselves around Jisoo with cheerful laughter flowing alongside the water of the fountain.

🎐ㅤ爱ㅤ𓂃ㅤ𖠗ㅤ𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙚𝙙ㅤ𓏲

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