Chapter 13

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The next morning we all wake up early to take the boys back to the airport.

"Promise me that you'll let me know how you do at the training day." Max says as we head towards their gate.

"I will! And at least we'll see each other soon."

"I know, I'm so stoked you're going to be traveling with Mark all season." Max says as he throws an arm over my shoulders.

"PARTAYYY!!" Stale says walking up on the other side of me and throwing his arm over me as well. We all laugh.

“And if you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to call me.” Max says sweetly as he glances towards Mark.

“I won’t. Thanks.” I say as I flash a smile towards him.

When we finally get to the gate we all say our goodbyes.

"Have a safe flight!" I call out to them one last time and wave.

"Breakfast?" Craig asks as soon as the boys are out of our sight. Mark and I look at each other and nod in unison.

When we get to the parking lot, Craig tells us to wait while he pulls the car around. I think this is his way of having us talk to each other, which makes me think that Mark didn't tell him about last night.

"You haven't told him anything, have you?" I question.

" I wasn't really sure what to tell him."

"What do you mean?"

"What are we Tanner?" Mark asks sheepishly.

"Well, I guess I just assumed because it's us, and that I told you I loved you last night, that we were a couple." Mark smirks at this.

"Okay, so at breakfast I guess I should tell Craig that you're my girlfriend."

"I guess so..." I say biting my bottom lip to keep from smiling too wide, but it's no use, the corners of my mouth curl up any ways."

"I like the sound of that." Mark says before wrapping his arms around my waist. He pecks me quickly on the lips before pulling me into a hug. I can feel his muscles tense around me and it feels so familiar, as if we've been dating for years.

"Glad to see you too have worked things out, let's get 'er goin' I'm starving!" Craig yells from the driver’s side of the jeep through the rolled down window. Mark and I obey and quickly get into the car. I hop in the passenger's seat and Mark climbs in the back. "Are we friends again?" Craig asks as we put on our seat belts. I glance back at Mark.

"Yeah, everything is good." He says giving a quick wink in my direction that Craig doesn't catch. I guess he wants to wait till we're at the restaurant.

"Yup. Just dandy." I add.

After driving for about forty five minutes, we pull into the parking lot of our favorite breakfast joint. We seat ourselves in our favorite booth which luckily for us, is empty. I slide in so I'm next to the window and Mark sits next to me and Craig sits across from us.

"Can I start you guys off with something to drink?" the waitress asks.

"Coffee for the table?" Mark suggests and Craig and I nod in agreement. She quickly scribbles this down and walks away and we're left to look over the menu. 

A few moments later I feel Mark's fingers lace with mine under the table so Craig can't see. I look at him and smile and Mark nods his head in Craig's direction. I not quickly and Mark turns towards Craig.

"Craig, um...there's something Tanner and I wanted to talk to you about." Craig looks up from the menu.


"Mark and I are kind of a thing." I say slowly trying to brace myself for his reaction. As I say this, Mark throws his arm over my shoulder and pulls me towards him slightly.

"What?" Craig says kind of confused.

“Tanner is my girlfriend.” Mark says simply, the words sound foreign coming from his mouth but they don’t scare me.


"Well when we worked things out last night this was the result." Mark says sounding a lot more calm than me. Craig sits there for a moment processing before he says anything.

"Well it's about damn time!" he practically screams, a massive smile spreading across his face.

"You don't think it's a bad idea?" I push.

"A bad idea? Hell no! This is seriously amazing, I'm so happy for you two. I mean I knew it would happen eventually."

"You did? Since when?"

"I knew you too love birds would end up together before Mark even realized he had feelings for you. I mean it's so obvious when we hang out." This makes us laugh.

"Well I'm glad you support us bro." Mark says before giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Okay, yeah it's fine. But could you two keep the PDA to a minimum around me." Craig says exaggerating a grossed out face. I laugh lightly.

"Deal." I say, and then the waitress is back with our coffee and ready to take our order.

A/N: Big things are happening in the next chapter. Leave your ideas in the comments below, I love hearing y'all’s predictions. Don't forget to like if you enjoyed the chapter. Happy reading xx.

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