Chapter 6

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When we get to the campsite the first thing we do is set up tents. There are three tents and six of us which means two to a tent. Mark volunteers to be my roomie for the next two days and I don't mind. Craig, Mark, and I used to have sleepovers all the time when we were younger. Craig was always forced to sleep on the floor, he may be older, but Mark and I always outnumbered him.

We decide to go swimming at the quarry which is only a five minute walk from where we've set up. Mark let's me change first so I sit on the bed of his pick up while I wait for the guys to change.

"Not bad Tan." a voice says from beside me. I turn and see Mikkel, the look on his face making me a little self conscious.

I'm wearing a massive black muscle shirt that covers my butt but the arm cuts end at just about my belly button. My bikini underneath is coral and the top has fringe. The color combinations along with my sun bleached hair really complement my sun kissed skin.

"Tan as in my name or my skin tone?" I say laughing.

"Both." he laughs in return. He rubs his neck in a nervous gesture and I see a hint of ink that I haven’t noticed before. I can see his sleeves now and I saw them at the bonfire, but I’ve yet to see him shirtless which is a true tragedy.

"Woah. Turn around real quick." I say. He obeys and what I see is the most elaborate tattoo. "I thought it was only the sleeves." I say as I gently run my fingers over the lines on his back.

"Nope. Most people who don't have any tattoos themselves are often a little freaked out. They think it's too much." He says as he turns to face me.

"I have a tattoo." I say simply.


I hop off the truck and turn so Mikkle can see my right side. I lift my arm over my head so the type writer font is visible.

"Forever strong." he reads aloud.

"My grandpa used to say that all the time." I respond.

"Are you two ready? Maxence yells in our direction when he walks out of his tent. I nod as we start walking in the group's direction. Mark is the last out and looks a little annoyed when he sees Mikkel and I walking together, but I don't think too much of this.


"Stop!" I yell at Mikkel who won't stop splashing me. I go to hit him but he quickly wraps his hands around my wrists preventing me from doing so.

"Haha you have to have cat like reflexes if you want to get me." he laughs back. Out of the corner of my eye I see Maxence get out of the water and I know exactly where he's going.

"I'll be right back. Stay here." I say to Mikkel as I free myself from his grip and swim in Max's direction.

"Hey. Mind if I take the plunge with you?" I say as I start climbing some rocks up towards the overhang.

"Hmmm, and I thought I was going to start the cliff jumping today." he says as he grabs my hand and helps me over one of the big rocks.

"You know that's my job. Thanks." I say when I'm finally caught up with him and we start climbing together.

"So Mikkel?" he raises an eyebrow as he says this.

"Why does everyone say it like that?"

"Like what?" he asks pretending he's oblivious but I know he isn't.

"In such a suggestive manner, like something's going on." I state.

"Is something going on?" I've known Maxence for years and although Mark's my best friend and I talk to him about everything he can get a little protective sometimes so I prefer to talk to Max about stuff like this.

"I don't know. I'm just being friendly." I state. I think Mikkel's really cute and sweet but would I really want to go there with one of Mark's friends? If things don't work out then it can get awkward when he visits Mark, or when I go to one of his competitions.

"No, you're being friendly to Stale. I've never seen you flirt so hard before in all the time I've known you.”

"I'm not flirting!"

"Tanner, you were just giggling with him. No way you're not flirting, I've never heard you giggle. I didn't even think you were capable of such a thing." I push him playfully when he says this.

"I don't know. I guess if he wanted to ask me out then I'd see where things go but I'm not even entirely sure I'm going to have the time for a relationship."

"What do you mean?"

"Okay so in a couple of weeks I'm going to a training day for Canada's national soccer team and I think that if I can impress the coach I might get a spot."

"You're going to play soccer professionally?! Tanner that's huge why didn't you tell me?" he says more excitement than hurt in his voice which is good.

"I didn't want to jinx it. It's still so far away and so many factors will play into it. Plus I need to just focus on championships right now."

"Well I have confidence in you. Ready?" he says once we've reached the top of the cliff.

I stare at the water below us. Stale is on Mikkel's shoulders and Craig is on Mark's. They're playing a game of chicken and from what I can tell both Stale and Craig have beer in their hands, only upping the stakes.

"Drunk chicken? Impressive. But not as impressive as this." I yell to the boys to get their attention then back up so I can get a running start.

"See you down there." Maxence says when I look at him.

I run as fast as I can and once I jump I turn backwards and am able to flip my body around twice before straightening out so I dive normally.

When I surface the boys are cheering. Stale and Craig hurry out of the water and start making their way up to the cliff. I look at Mark and Mikkel who are next to each other and both smiling at me.

"Give it a try." I say to Mikkel. He smirks and swims towards the shore.

I make my way towards Mark and sit on the rock he's on.

"You're such a showoff." he says laughing. We're both looking towards the cliff where Maxence is getting ready to jump.

"Oh you know you love it." I laugh.

Mark whispers something as soon as Maxence hit's the water so I'm not able to fully make out what he says, but it almost sounds like "Yeah, I do."

A/N: What do you guys think, are Tanner and Mikkel good for each other? Comment your thoughts below, and don’t forget to like if you enjoyed the chapter! Happy reading xx.

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