Chapter 14

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After telling Craig about Mark and I we told his parents and they were ecstatic to hear that we were together. Much like when we told Craig, I was a little nervous because I didn't want them to think that it was just a phase the two of us are going through because so far it didn't seem like it.

The next Saturday it's time for my graduation, and believe me when I say that no one is more excited about my high school years being over with than me.

"Good morning babe." Mark says as I answer the door.

"Hello." I say as I give him a quick peck on the lips. "What's that?" I ask, I can tell he's holding something behind his back.

"Well, today is a very special day. My girl is graduating and I am so proud of her." I start to blush.

"It's nothing."

"No, no, no. This is important. Today is your day. That's why I got you these." Mark pulls a bouquet of roses from his back and hands them to me.

"These are perfect!" I say as I throw my arms around him. "Thank you." I mumble into his neck.

"Only the best for my girl." Mark kisses my cheek.

"Tanner you- oh hello Mark." my mom says as she appears behind me. She's putting in her earring when she looks up at Mark.

"Hello Mrs. Barlow how are you?" Mark smiles warmly at my mom.

"Great now that you're dating my daughter." I make a face at this because I know my mom couldn't care less. As long as he's not a druggy they're happy. "Tanner sweetie you need to finish getting ready. We're leaving in 15 minutes."

"Okay mom. I'll be right in." I say as she heads back up stairs.

"You know I respect your parents, but-"

"But it pisses you off that they're going to my graduation because they don't go to any of my other stuff. I know." I finish Mark's thought for him.

"Babe, they forgot you were a senior last week."

"Okay first of all they both had a lot on their minds and I don't blame 'em. Second, you should be grateful that happened. If they didn't forget I wouldn't have stormed outside and then I would have never been able to do this." I say as I kiss him tenderly. It's soft and slow, but filled with passion.

"You know you would have come round eventually." Mark says with a smirk on his face. This makes me laugh.

"I'm sorry you can't come today, but I couldn't get the extra ticket. I tried but the lady in the office just gave me a look like she knew I didn't have any living grandparents."

"It's okay, you're still going to come over after so you can celebrate with my family, right?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"TANNER" I hear my mom yell from the inside.

"I have to go. Thank you for the flowers." I say before giving Mark a kiss then slipping back in the house so I can put the finishing touches on my makeup.


"We are so proud of you Tanner, we really are." My dad says as we leave my school, diploma in hand.


"We are. You're going to Mark's right?" My mom asks casually as she stares down at her blackberry. She's been answering emails all morning, I was shocked that she even looked up from her phone when they called my name, but education is everything to them.

"Yeah, you guys are welcome to come." I say remembering Cindy saying they could a few days before then.

"Well we're actually going to the city tonight. You're father got invited to a dinner and I think we're going to just stay the night since it's going to run pretty late." My mom says nonchalantly.

"Oh okay. I didn't know you guys had anything going on."

"It was kind of last minute. We only found out on Monday." My dad replies simply.

"You can have a few friends over if you'd like but no big parties, I'm assuming you wouldn't with Don and Cindy right next door but I just want to be clear." My mom says when we reach the car.

I can't believe this. It's my graduation day and they're bailing on me again. Just once I'd like them to want to spend time with me. I don't say anything else on the way home, in fear that I may say something that I'll regret. I just sit there quietly and watch the houses passing by my window and think about my class mates, and how they're probably going home to have a cookout with their family before the parties tonight. I think about them, and how I won't be doing that.

I think about how my parents will be miles away without me, having the time of their lives. Sometimes I think that they never really wanted me, that I was an accident but I've never thought of asking. My mom would probably go all lawyer, listing all that she is required to do as a guardian then providing evidence that she's done it. Then my dad would start asking if I was depressed and if he should ask his friend Rob in the psych ward to do an evaluation of me just to be on the safe side. The more I think about this, the more relived I am that I don't have to spend time with them tonight. Because although I may wish things were different, I know that if they tried to act like normal parents now it would just be awkward. So I sit quietly, and watch as all the homes pass by me.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter, don't forget to comment and like if you did. Happy reading xx.

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