Chapter 22

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**Mark's POV**

"Hey there Sparks how's it going?! Craig asks when I pick up on Skype.

"Great man. The surf this morning was insane. Hey you're still coming in two weeks right?"

"Hell yes!" We're both quiet for a minute before I speak again.

"How's Tanner?"

"Dude--" Craig starts in a condescending tone before I cut him off.

"Please don't give me the lecture okay." I roll my eyes.

"You need to be focusing on yourself."

"I have been. And I listened to you and haven't called her once. Please Craig, I just want to know how she's doing."

"I told you that I would look out for her."

"And I believe that you are, I just want to know man. As a friend. Besides, I’m going on a date tonight anyways.” I say getting a little frustrated with him now.

“Seriously, with who?”

“This surfer chick I met a couple days ago.”

“Sweet man, what’s her name, what’s she like?” Craig asks trying to change the subject.

“Craig, Tanner.” I say trying to get him back on track.”

"She's good. She's going to be starting against Germany Saturday."

"That's incredible!"

"You're not going to go are you?"

"Does she want me to?"

"Umm...well...she mentioned it but I don't think it's a good idea."

"What do you mean it's not a good idea, Craig? This is a big moment for her, especially with all she's been through in the past couple of months. I need to be there for her." I say thinking back to all that happened the day that I left.

"You need to stay in California for yourself.”

"Is there something you're not telling me? Is she seeing someone?"

"No, no it's not like that at all bud. Look, you're my little brother and it's my job to protect you from everything and everyone I can, even if it is Tanner."

"Craiger, I appreciate that, I really do man. But it's Tanner and she's been through a lot. I was so impatient with her. She made one mistake and I took off."

"MARK! This is not on you! I saw what that did to you. You were completely crushed by it. You had every right to remove yourself from the situation because it was a really shitty one."

"Craig how many shitty situations have we been in where Tanner was right by our sides the whole time."

"But you never broke her heart."

"But we never lost both of our parents in one night. The Tanner that cheated on me, that's not the girl I love. But the girl I love is still in her and by what you've told me it sounds like she's back. I'm ready to forgive her.”

"I just don't get it man." he says shaking his head in confusion.

"That's because you've never been in love Craiger Bear. When someone you care about is going through something difficult, you stand by their side. Yes, she fucked up. But what I did was just as bad. I never stayed to hear her out, and I will always regret that. Look dude, I’m not trying to get back together with her. I mean I DO have a date tonight. I just want to be back in her life, she’s my best friend."

"Wow, you really do love her." Craig laughs. "Look man, don't regret leaving when you did. It wasn't entirely your choice, I mean I kind of pushed you to go."

"But I listened. It was entirely my decision. I don't want you feeling bad about trying to keep us apart to figure things out. Honestly it's probably going to be a massive help. I've had time to think of what I want to say to her so hopefully that means I won't completely fuck up."

"You've never been good with words." we both crack up when he says this.

"So are you going to kill yourself making sure I'm not there?" I ask seriously.

"No man. I'll pick you up at the airport."

"Thanks, also if you could just not tell her I'm going the next time you talk to her, that'd be great."

"What? Why man?"

"She needs to focus on the game. Hey I gotta get going though, I'm meeting up with Ryan before my date."

"Okay man, I'll talk to ya later then. Good luck tonight. I want to hear all about this girl the next time we talk.”

“For sure bro. Oh wait, one more thing."

"Yeah?" Craig says just before hanging up on me.

"What's her number?"

"3. Just like it was in high school."

"Just like it's been since she started playing." I say to myself remembering a picture of her that I saw. She was five and it was before she moved in next door, but she told me it was her first year.

"What was that?"

"Nothing man. I'll see ya soon." I say and with that, I hang up.

A/N: Do you think Mark is moving on? Don’t forget to like and comment to let me know if you enjoyed the chapter! Happy reading xx.

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