Chapter 11

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The day of the championship arrives and I know that the team and I are ready. I give my pre game talk like I always do.

"This is it. For many of us this is our last game, so why not make it a win?" The girls cheer at this then quiet down so I can finish. "I know we're ready, you know we're ready. Every practice, every game, every lap around the track, it's been leading up to this moment. Our moment. So let's go out there and kick some ass!" I yell and everyone in the huddle goes wild. "Team on three. One...two...three"

"TEAM!" we all yell in unison before walking out onto the pitch.

We line up on the side line as announcements start. They call my team first and since I'm captain call me out first, everyone else follows in numerical order. I scan the stands nervously as I wait for my next team mate to be called so I'm not standing all alone in the middle of the field. I see the McMorris’s holding up a sign and cheering for me. Stale, Mikkel, and Maxence are with them, but Mark is missing.

I wasn't nervous until now. Mark wouldn't miss this. I look directly at Max and try to ignore the massive crowd around him. I swear everyone from my school and the opposing school is there, from what I can tell there's not a free seat.

Max looks at me and I know he can tell I'm staring at him. He nods his head reassuringly as if to say "you're ready for this." And it puts me at ease a little bit.

I scan the crowd again, this time in search of my parents. They're nowhere to be found. I look back at Max, this time a look of sadness rather than nervousness. Max cocks his head in question for a moment trying to figure out what's wrong. It only takes in a minute before a look of sympathy washes over him. He knows that Mark and my parents aren't here. "Focus." He mouths at me. I nod and take a moment to close my eyes and clear everything from my head. I'm not going to let my team down today.


I'm able to channel all my anger for my parents into my game. It pays off and I'm playing better than I ever have, but after a whole game and double overtime I'm exhausted.

"Tanner, I want you taking the last penalties kick." My coach says as I squirt some water into my mouth. Most of it misses and goes on to my face, which is already drenched from sweat.

"Okay." I nod quickly as I wipe my eyes. Sweat in the eyes is never a pleasurable experience.

"With your left foot." he says looking me dead in the eye. "Their keeper will be expecting you to use your right. It still has to be a rocket though. Upper 90. Can you do it?" He asks as he stares intently at me to make sure I'm listening. I break our eye contact and glance at my teammates. I can see the fire in their eyes and know I have to do this, for them.

"Yes sir." I say as the whistle sounds, indicating the refs are ready for us.

I'm the last person to kick for both teams and by the time it's my turn, we're tied 2-2. If I make it, that's it, we win. If I don't, we go into sudden death. Great. No pressure.

I take my position and glance at my small fan section, knowing all of them are there calms be a bit. I look back at the ball and picture myself striking it with my left foot right into the upper 90.

"Player ready?" The ref asks. I nod without looking away from the ball.

"Keeper ready?" the ref blows his whistle and I quickly look at the goal.

Everything that happens next is muscle memory. I don't think I just do. And before I can even comprehend what's happening, I'm tackled to the ground by my teammates.

"YOU DID IT!" Rachel yells she hugs me.

"I what?" I'm in shock.

"WE JUST WON CHAMPIONSHIPS!" my team cheers.

As everyone celebrates I walk over to the other team's keeper and captain who are both crying in front of the goal.

"Good game. You both played really well." I say as I hold out my hand. They look up at me.

"You too." the keeper says.

"I have to say if we had to lose, I'm glad it's to you guys. You're a strong team and play fair." the captain says.

"Thanks." I flash a smile.

"I really thought you were going right." the keeper says.

"Me too. Until my coach told me otherwise." I say laughing a little. They laugh with me, lightening the mood a bit.

"We'll see you later, go celebrate with your team." the Captain says smiling a little. 

"Thanks." I say as I give a little wave and turn around. When I turn around I see that most of the people from the stands have run onto the field, just like they did when we won a week ago.

"Tanner!" Maxence, Craig, Stale, and Mikkel all yell as they bombard me. They squish me as they wrap their arms around me in a massive bear hug.

"You're my hero." Max says when they let me go.

"I can't wait to watch you do that in the Olympics one day." Craig says.

"Yeah, well let's focus on me making the team first." I laugh.

"TANNER!" I hear a familiar voice say from behind me. I turn and see Mark standing there with a massive sign and grin stretched across his face.

"YOU CAME?! I exclaim as I wrap my arms around him. He drops the sign instantly, picks me up, and spins me around. I stay in his embrace when he sets me back on the ground for a moment.

"Of course I came." he says just loud enough so I can hear him.

"Thank you." I say into his neck.

"For what?" He leans back so he can read my face.

"For being here for me." I say simply.

"I always will be." he says, sounding and looking a little sad. This makes my stomach twist a little, but in a good way. "'re drenched in sweat."

"Now you know how I feel when I give you a hug after a competition." I say as I shove him away from me and let out a laugh.

"Fair enough." He says laughing.

"Come on you two. Mom's looking for her little Tanner." Craig says and guides our small group towards the side line where I can see Cindy and Don. They're smiling, and the look on their faces brings tears to my eyes. It's the same look they have when Mark or Craig win a competition, they're proud of me.

A/N: Did you know Mark would show up, or did you think he was too upset to go? Let me know in the comments, and don’t forget to like if you enjoyed the chapter! Happy reading xx.

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