Chapter 7

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After an eventful day we make some hot dogs by the fire and relax. I'm sitting next to Mikkel, there's a blanket wrapped around the two of us since it got really cold when the sun went down. I saw Max make a suggestive face when we first sat down but he hasn't said anything which is good.

The boys chat and tell stories meanwhile Mikkel grabs his guitar and starts playing while I roast a marshmallow. After a few moments of this, Mark interrupts us.

"Oh wow would you look at that, it's nearly midnight. We should catch some z's. We don't want to be sleeping all day tomorrow. It is our only full day here."

"Good point Sparks. I say we call it a night." Craig responds.

"Sounds good. I'll make sure the fire gets put out." I say as the boys slowly begin to make their way to their tents. Stale, Craig and Mark are the first to disappear into their tents.

"You coming man?" Maxence asks Mikkel before he gets up.

"Yeah man. I just gotta put my guitar away. I'll be quite not to wake you though." Mikkel says without attempting to make it look as if he is moving.

Maxence nods then disappears into his tent.

"This is nice." I say as I look at the embers that are almost out and lean slightly into Mikkel.

"I have to say, I think this trip would be a lot less fun if you weren't here." Mikkel props his guitar up on the log next to him and wraps an arm around me. A knot forms in my stomach when he does this and I become hyperaware of his arm on me. It's like every nerve ending that's he's touching is screaming. What is he doing to me?

"I agree." I say as I look up into Mikkel's light blue eyes, trying to play it cool. He looks at me for a moment before his gaze drifts to my lips. I want him to kiss me, but I don't want to be the first to make a move.

It's almost like Mikkel reads my mind. He slowly leans down until our lips meet. His lips are soft and move in sync with mine perfectly. After a moment we pull away.

"Whoa." Mikkel says out of breath. I look over at the fire and it's low enough where we can go to bed.

"Maybe it's time we hit the hay." I say as I search his face to figure out if he liked it. Whoa can mean good or bad and I'm not entirely sure which one he meant, God I hope it was good.

"Oh. Um...yeah that's probably a good idea." his face drops a little when he says this. Now I'm confident that he meant it in a good way.

I slide my arms around his neck and kiss him tenderly.

"Goodnight." I whisper when our lips part, our foreheads still touching.

"Goodnight, Tanner." Mikkel says with a smirk.

Without another word, I head to my tent.


I try to be as quiet as possible when I enter the tent so I don't wake Mark.

"Do you want to go on a hike tomorrow?" I jump a little when I hear his voice.

"God, you scared the shit out of me. I thought you'd be asleep by now." I say as I turn and see Mark. He's laughing a little.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to. So, hike tomorrow? We can get up early and watch the sun rise."

"I'm not sure if the others are going to be willing to get up so early." I say thinking of how difficult it was to wake the boys just this morning.

"I was kind of hoping it would be just the two of us. You know, Tanner, Mark bonding time just like back in the day."

"Well we haven't had one of those days in ages. That sounds nice." I flash a smile and although the light in the tent is dim I can see a smile instantly spread across his face.

"Awesome! We should get some sleep then." he says as he moves over to make room for me.

I crawl into my sleeping bag and before I know it, I'm out.

A/N: Tanner and Mikkel finally kissed ahhh!!! Like if you ship it, and leave a ship name in the comments below! Happy reading xx.

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