Chapter 2

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"Great game tonight!" My friend Rachel says to me as I walk over to my locker after showering.

"Oh thanks you too! You really kept the defense in line tonight." I smile as I shuffle through my locker for my clean pair of shorts.

"Haha thanks. So when did Mark get back?" She asks casually but I know she's up to something.

"Two nights ago. He's home for most of the summer now." I state simply.

"Oh cool." An awkward silence fills the space between us as I wait for her to say more. "So is he seeing anyone?" There it is.

"I don't think so but I'm not a hundred percent sure." This is a lie. Obviously if Mark was seeing someone he would have told me.

"Do you think you could put a good word in for me then before the bonfire tomorrow night? I was gonna maybe ask him out." I try not to cringe at this. Mark is my best friend and I want him to be happy but dating Rachel is not a good idea. She will destroy him. Honestly I wouldn't set her up with any boy just to spare him.

"Uhh I guess I can. Do you really want to date him though? He's always traveling for work. You'd never get to see him." I say in an attempt to change her mind.

"It's just one date Tanner. It's not like I want to be in a relationship with him. I barely know him."

"Yeah okay. I'll put in a good word." I say as I pull a baggy soccer shirt over my head and let my hair out of the towel that's wrapped around it.

"Ahh! Thank you so much! I'll see you tomorrow." She squeals as she hugs me. Once she releases me I grab my bag and keys and head to my car.

As I walk towards my car I can see that there's writing on the windows but I can't make out what it says. I start laughing when I can finally read it. Sloppy boy writing covers the side and rear windows on my car. It says stuff like "Happy senior night!" "Class of 2014" "Craig loves #3." I take out my phone and shoot Craig a text.

"I like makeover you gave my car. I'll be there soon." I put my phone in my bag before tossing it into the back seat.

When I pull up to Mark's house the front door is locked. This is weird. Usually I knock and walk right in but tonight I'm forced to ring the doorbell. Craig answers the door. He steps onto the porch and shuts the door behind him.

"What are you doing? Can we please go in, I'm starving. I just played a whole game." I whine.

"Yes. But first you have to put this on." Craig pulls a bandanna from his pocket.

"So I guess this is it. This is where it ends. I knew you guys were too nice to me to be normal." Craig rolls his eyes at me but still laughs.

"Shut up Tan. Just put the blindfold on and we'll get some food into you soon." I let out a deep sigh as I turn around so Craig can tie the blindfold.

"Okay step up." Craig says as he holds my shoulders and guides me into the house.

We walk a little farther until he stops me. I already know we're in the kitchen. MAYBE MY PARENTS ARE HERE!?! I think to myself. I didn't see any lights on at my house so it's possible.

"Okay, you can take off your blind fold." Craig says.

"SURPRISE!!" everyone yells. I smile instantly as I look at the four faces in front of me, it's just the McMorriss. I guess my parents are still at work. I see a balloon and glance at the table. There's a present bag sitting in front of one of the chairs.

"Oh my goodness. Thank you so much! You didn't have to do this!" I say as I feel my cheeks flush.

"We wanted today to be special." Cindy says as she walks over to me and gives me a hug.

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