Chapter 16

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"That was incredible." Mark says as we lay curled up next to each other in my bed.

"Yeah, and dinner wasn't bad either." I laugh.

"I think I should cook for you more often." Mark says as he plays with my hair.

"When I say with you in California this fall I expect dinner every night."

"Hmm, I think I can handle that." he laughs.

All of a sudden the phone rings. I look at the clock, it's nearing midnight.

"Who would be calling at this hour?" Mark asks as I grab the closest shirt to me and throw it on before getting out of bed. It just so happens to be his and is practically a dress on me.

"Umm maybe my parents making sure I'm not throwing a ragger or something." I laugh.

"Hurry back."

"Hello." I say when I answer the phone.

"Hello, who is this?" I ask, not able to recognize the voice.

"May I ask who I'm speaking to?"

"This is Tanner Barlow."

"Are you related to Dr. Richard Barlow and Julia Barlow?" the man asks. Why is he referring to my parents by their formal names?

"Yes, yes, I'm their daughter. Will you please just tell me what is going on." I beg, I'm really starting to get worried now.

"I'm Deputy Johnson, your parents have been in an accident and--"

"OH MY GOD, ARE THEY OKAY? WHAT HAPPENED? WHAT HOSTPITAL ARE THEY BEING BROUGHT TO?" I freak out instantly. I can hear Mark jump out of my bed and start sprinting down the stairs.

"Miss Barlow, Miss Barlow please calm down so I can explain." at this moment Mark runs into the living room where I'm on the phone.

"What's wrong?!" he says in a whisper. I hold my hand up to him to tell him to be quiet and realize that I'm shaking.

"Your parents have been in a car accident. They were hit by a drunk driver. You're mother is being brought to a trauma center just outside of Regina."

"What about my dad?" I ask, my voice just above a whisper.

"I'm so sorry--"

"No!" I scream and Mark runs over to me and wraps his arms around me as I fall to the floor.

"I know this is difficult but we need you to come to the station. There are um...belongings from the car that need to be picked up. After that we should be able to get you to the hospital your mother is en route to. Is there anyone who can drive you here?"

"Yes. I'll be there as so as possible." I say before hanging up the phone. I'm too shocked to cry.


" have to go to the police station."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"My, my dad's dead." I say, the words feeling weird as they leave my mouth.


"My mom is on the way to the hospital now." I say as I look at him.

"Okay, okay. Um, let's throw on some clothes and I'll drive. We can call my parents when we're on the road. Yeah, you stay here, I'll get your clothes." he says as he runs upstairs.


An hour later, Mark and I pull into the parking lot of the police station in the city.

"My name's Tanner Barlow." I tell the lady at the front desk.

"Tanner, we've been expecting you. Follow me." Says a man behind her who I assume is Deputy Johnson. "We spoke on the phone, there is some stuff in the car we were hoping you could take with you. Anything you don't want just leave and we'll give it to charity for you." he says as he leads Mark and I into what looks to be a conference room. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and I look like a total disaster.

"Thank you." Mark says.

"I'll give you a moment." the Deputy says before leaving.

I sit down at the table and star rummaging through my parent's luggage.

"It's just their clothes." I say.

"Tanner." Mark says looking up at me, I look down and in his hands and see a soccer ball. I grab it from him gently and look at it. There's writing on it.

"Tanner, congratulations on the interest from the national team. Cindy told us, we are so proud of you! Love Mom & Dad." I read out loud.

"Tanner, I just got off the phone with the hospital." The Deputy says peaking his head in the room.

"How's my mom?" I ask eagerly as I shoot up from my chair.

"You should take a seat." I obey and listen while he continues. "Tanner, your dad as you know was dead upon arrival. He was killed instantly. When the paramedics got there, your mom still had a pulse. I just got word that she passed on the way to the hospital. I'm so sorry."

"Oh, I see." I say simply.

"We can get you the names of therapists you can see. Do you have any family you can stay with during this time?"

"No need for a therapist, my dad was a doctor. He had many psychiatrist friends, I know how the grieving process works. And as for family, I have none. Both my parents we only children and my last grandparent passed away seven years ago. But it's okay, I'm 18." the Deputy doesn't exactly know how to respond to this.

"She's very close to my family sir. She may not have blood relatives, but she does have us." Mark chimes in.

"That's good to hear, it will be a very difficult time."

"Are we done here?" I ask simply, it's almost 2 in the morning and I just need to get some sleep.

"Yes ma'am. Is there anything you don't want to take with you?" he asks gesturing to the suitcases on the table.

"Give it all away." I say before getting up and leaving the room.

Mark and the Deputy watch me leave.

"I think she'll regret not taking this." Mark says to the Deputy as he grabs the soccer ball from the pile.

"Of course. I've seen situations like this more times than I'd like to and you should know, everyone reacts to this differently. You just have to be patient with her." The Deputy says to Mark.

"I understand. I did have a question though, about the other driver." Mark begins.

"Not a scratch on him, that's usually how these things work out, unfortunately."

"Son of a bitch." Mark mumbles. "Oh, I'm sorry sir."

"It's alright son, you have a right to be pissed off. And don't you worry, I will be following this case and making sure that there is justice for Tanner's parents."

"Can there really be though?" Mark questions.

"No, but I will do my best."

"Thank you, sir. I appreciate it." Mark says as he shakes the Deputy's hand before leaving the station.

A/N: Thoughts? Leave a comment letting me know how you did. Don’t forget to like if you enjoyed the chapter! Happy reading xx.

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