10 - Past (Alternative Ending)

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TW: Implied/Mentions of rape; abuse; yelling; panic attacks; non-consensual neck kissing; discipline

(Takes place when Aiden is dragging Logan outside)

Logan followed absently, not wanting to stop Aiden. He knew what would happen if he did. He would get hurt.

He was thrown into the back seat of Aiden's car, the door slammed behind him. Aiden got into the driver's seat and sighed.

"You made a very bad decision," Aiden said. "That's going to have to be punished, love. It's for your own good. You need to learn."

Logan stared out the window for the whole drive. He knew it took exactly three and a half minutes to get there.

He could let his mind wander.

Logan was crying. Sobbing. It hurt so much.

"Stop! Please!" Logan begged. "I won't run away again, I swear! Just stop!"

"Shut up," Aiden growled, stepping on Logan's chest. "This is what you do to me? After everything I did for you, you run away?"

Logan sobbed, "I'm sorry, sir! Just stop!"


The belt came down on him again and again. Metal hitting skin endlessly. Logan's cries echoed through the house.

There was nothing he could do.

It stopped. Was Logan free?

The sound of a zipper coming undone made Logan freeze.

No, he wasn't.

"You've been a bad, bad boy, Logan," Aiden hissed. "You need to be punished."

Logan was in the closet. He wasn't allowed to leave. It had been about three days and nothing got better.

Aiden's girlfriend, Kathy, was over and he wasn't allowed to see her.

Logan just curled up in a ball, scared. He missed Remus. He missed his family. He wanted them back. He wanted to hold Remus and watch a movie. He needed to have someone hold him lovingly.

Not this fake shit he got from Aiden.

He tuned into the conversation outside the door.

"Could you please pick up some pads for me?"

"Sure, babe. I'll also get some drinks."

"Okay, baby. See you later."

"I'll be about an hour or two. Love you."

"Love you, too."

The front door closed and, after two or three minutes, the closet door opened.

Panic filled Logan as he stared up at the girl. She was blonde and quite pretty.

"Don't— I'm sorry— Don't hurt me—"

Logan curled in on himself, terrified.

"Aww, sweetie, I won't hurt you," the girl said. She crouched down, "My name is Kathy. I got that monster away for an hour or two. I'm gonna get you out."

Logan looked at her, "R—Really?"

Kathy nodded, "Really."

Logan relaxed only sightly, "My name is Logan... Logan Sanders."

Kathy stepped back, "Do you know the phone number of your friends? Girlfriend? Parents?"

Logan nodded. Kathy handed Logan her phone and he typed in the number with shaky hands. He put it on speaker as Kathy bandaged Logan's wounds.

"Who's this?" Patton answered.

"Logan," Logan said softly. "I'm okay."

Patton gasped, "Holy fuck— I was so worried, Logan. Remus has been going insane. Roman and Janus have been figuring out a plan to get you back. Virgil has been panicking and I've been calming him down. Where are you? Please, are you okay? Really?"

Logan smiled, "I'm okay, Pattycakes. Can I talk to Remus?"

Patton hummed a yes and soon Remus was worrying over Logan.

"I was so fucking worried, Logan. Who the fuck was that?! I need to dismember him. Tell me you're alright, starlight... I need you back here."

Logan wiped his eyes, "I'm okay, I swear. Aiden's girlfriend is gonna help me get out."

Logan hear Remus start to cry, "God, please come back."

"I will, Cephy," Logan said. "I promise."

"I'm going to murder Aiden," Remus growled.

"Okay," Kathy said. "We better get going if we want to get there without him knowing."

Logan nodded, standing up. "I've got to go now, Cephy. I'll be at home soon. I love you."

"I love you, too, Starshine," Remus said.

While driving, Logan kept quiet about was Aiden did to him. He couldn't even begin to try and explain. He didn't even understand, himself.

"That one," Logan said, pointing to a house on the street. Kathy pulled over and Logan got out. "You can come in, too," he said. "You can stay with us for a while and be safe."

Kathy smiled, "Just for a little while."

Logan nodded and walked up to the door. He opened it and was immediately tackled my a sobbing Remus.

Logan stumbled back, holding onto Remus just as tightly.

"Logan, I was so worried," Remus cried. He gripped Logan's torn shirt, "I'm not letting that bitch take you again."

Logan kissed Remus's cheek, "I'm okay now, Cephy."

—Kathy's POV (Just a short one. This is to try and work on my description skills)—

Logan's family was... different. I was sitting on the couch with a cup of tea in my hands.

Remus (Cephy, Logan called him), wore a plaid, green-and-black skirt with fishnet stockings and platform boots. He had a baggy T-shirt with three or four heavy-looking necklaces. He kept touching Logan (his hand, his waist, his arm), probably to make sure Logan wasn't taken away again.

Janus was... handsome. The right side of his face was decorated in scales and his right eye was that of a snake. He was wearing a black capelet over a button-up shirt and black jeans. He had yellow gloves and a black bowler hat.

Patton, whom Janus seemed to dislike leaving, was happy and bright. He was like a father to everyone except Janus. He wore a light-blue blouse with an orange skirt and tall, white socks.

Virgil always clinged to Roman, Remus's twin. He wore a patched-up black-and-purple hoodie with ripped jeans and high-tops. He had dark circles under his eyes which seemed to be makeup. He rarely talked, and if he did, it was to Roman or Patton.

Roman seemed to like Virgil's affection. He was wearing a white shirt with gold accents and a red sash. He had light-grey slacks and nice shoes. He was chatty, but it seemed like he was hesitant to talk with Remus.

Logan fit right in.

—Back to Third Person—

Logan was laying on the couch with Remus, drifting in and out of sleep. Remus ran his fingers through Logan's hair, listening to the surrounding conversations.

Everyone was calming down. Kathy seemed like a nice person and had even opened up, saying Aiden had been abusing her, too.

Later that night, when Virgil was helping tend to Logan's cuts on his back, the door downstairs burst open.



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