11 - Dresses (Virgil x Roman)

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Na Na Na by My Chemical Romance played quietly behind Virgil as he stared at himself in the mirror. He was wearing a dress—as requested by Patton. His dress was fitted to his body, but dropped loose at his waist. The top was a dark purple, faux corset with light purple snaps. The sleeves were off-shoulder and flourished outwards. The skirt was lays of fabric—from light to dark purple—bunched up on his left. His shoes were black flats—thankfully.

Grey eyes stared back into his. Virgil licked his chapped lips, biting on a stray piece of dead skin.

The others didn't know he chose a dress; they thought he chose a suit. And frankly, he should have.

But, Patton requested it specially for this dinner party.

Virgil picked up his phone, dialing Remus.

"Hello," Remus greeted after a short ring.

"Remus, I need help," Virgil said in one breath. "Can you come to my room? Don't bring anyone else. Except Janus. Yeah, bring him."

Virgil heard a door open on the other side of the phone, "Right away!"

Soon, Janus and Remus were in awe about Virgil's dress.

"It's not that big of a deal!" Virgil protested, hugging himself.

Janus smiled, "Oh, honey, you look dreadful."

Janus was clad in a black pencil dress with intricately made, criss-crossing lines. It was a wonder how he thought of it. His sleeves weren't really sleeves at all, more like golden snakes twisting around his arms to his elbows. He had gold gloves and his iconic hat to go with it.

Remus was less showy than Virgil would have expected. His dress was silky black that hugged his form delicately. It split in the front just past his knees, giving way to silky green fabric. The dress was sleeveless, the only thing decorating his neck was his sash. He had a wide smile, his eyes twinkling.

"You both look stunning, also," Virgil murmured.

Remus twirled excitedly, "I know! I love this skirt!!"

Janus smiled, "Come now, the others are surely waiting. And Roman will most definitely hate your dress."

Virgil blushed, red hue dancing across his cheeks, "Stop it, Jan..."

When they made it downstairs and Vigil saw the other three, he held his breath. He looked horrible compared to them.

Patton had a light blue dress on. It was simple—not too showy. It was white on top. Lace over white fabric. The skirt was simply sky-blue that fell just past Patton's knees. He had tall, white socks with blue flats. He had small, blue earrings in.

Logan was wearing a dress as well. It was a sleeveless, white dress with gold vines decorating the top. But, it had a section above it that was dark blue, the gold vines now silver. In the back, it was the beautiful navy with gorgeous designs. Crescent-moon earrings dangled from his ears and his glasses were nowhere to be seen.

Roman's dress was more toned down that Virgil would have thought—same with Remus—and it took his breath away. It was a cream dress with lace decorating the whole front. As it dropped to the floor, though, it faded into a deep red. He wore long, ruby earrings.

Janus nudged him, "You're staring. Go talk to him."

Virgil blinked, feeling immediately self-conscious. He hugged himself, looking down.

Warm hands gently brought his chin up. He was met with Roman gaze. Virgil was always mesmerized by how someone's eyes could be that pretty. He saw Janus and Remus step away, silently thankful.

Roman's fingers gently traced his jaw, pulling a shiver from Virgil. Roman smiled softly.


Roman smiled at him.
Virgil couldn't take his eyes away from Roman. He was too perfect. His eyes kept flicking from his eyes, to his lips, to his hair, and back to his eyes.
He was gorgeous.
"You look quite dashing in a dress," Roman commented, softly waking Virgil from his mind. "Purple suits you well."
Virgil felt his cheeks heat up, "Thank you. Uh, you look handsome, too."
Roman smiled, "Thank you." He turned and held out his arm, "Care to join me?"
Virgil looked around the room and saw nobody there. He looked back at Roman, "Where are we going?" He hooked his arm around Roman's and they started to walk to the front door.
"Patton said we were going to have the get-together in my castle in the Imagination," Roman said, opening the front door. Instead of outside, it was a long path to a large castle on a hill.
They walked together in silence, peacefully listening to nature.
"Hey, Roman?" Virgil asked, halfway to Roman's castle.
Roman turned to him, "Yes?"
Virgil looked down at the path, "I have something to tell you."
Roman hummed a yes, "I do, too. You can go first, though."
Virgil blushed, "Uh, okay... Um... You mean a lot to me, Roman... Whenever I have nightmares, it's about losing you or you forgetting about me. What I'm trying to say is... I like you... a lot."
He didn't dare look at Roman in the silence that ensued.
But, when he did, they were stopped and Roman's lips were pressed against his. They were warm, like his hands.
Roman pulled away, "I apologize, I should have asked for—"
Virgil kissed him again, pulling him down by his neck. He was dreaming. He had to be. Nothing could be this perfect and be real. He finally felt relaxed. His back wasn't tense, he stopped playing with his hands, his lips, or his hair and just kissed.
They pulled away, looking into each other's eyes.
Virgil smiled, laughing softly, "Fuck, I love you."
Roman kissed him softly again, "I love you, too."
The rest of the time was a blur, and Virgil woke up in his bed. His head was resting on Roman's chest, Roman's arm limply around Virgil. Thankfully, neither of them were naked. Roman was dressed in a T-shirt Virgil got from a My Chemical Romance concert and boxers. Virgil was dressed on an Against Me! T-shirt and boxers.
Holy fuck, Virgil thought, not daring to move. I am lying with Roman; who confessed to me last night... Well, I confessed to him and we kissed. Now, I am in bed, with Roman, who is asleep. Aww, his little snores.
The memory replayed in Virgil's head. The kiss was just like Heaven. And Virgil needed it again.
But he didn't want to wake Roman up and make him get mad at him. He didn't want him to tell him it was all just a joke or a dare.
He wanted it to be real. He wanted to be really loved. Really cared for.
He wanted to feel happy again.
Vigil absently drew invisible designs on the part of Roman's stomach he could see. It was words sometimes, maybe just scribbles or a spiderweb. But mostly it was just swirls.
"That tickles, you know," a soft, tired voice said from above Virgil. Roman's voice sounded through his chest, where Virgil was laying his head.
"I know," Virgil said. He wrote I love you on Roman's stomach before turning over and looking at a sleepy Roman. He moved up to rest his head on Roman's shoulder, hugging Roman with his arm and leg. Roman swung Virgil over to be laying on his chest, wrapping his arms around Virgil.
"What are we?" Roman asked. "I know when two or more people love each other, they confess and then they get together. Are we together, Stormcloud?"

Virgil shrugged, "Do you want to be?"

Roman, without hesitating, said, "Yes."


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