2 - That Stupid Demon (Bill Cipher x Dipper Pines)

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⚠️Literally only the first two sentences are cannon⚠️
(Not even lmao)
Gravity Falls

Dipper hugged himself, scared. Gideon laughed, his voice scratchy and loud.

"Aww, Dipper, trying to pull Mable and me away from each other!" Gideon giggled.

He made a pair of lamb sheers levitate towards Dipper, smiling insanely. They opened around Dipper's finger that Gideon forced forward.

Then, a familiar, almost electronic, laugh rang through the warehouse, accompanied by a floating, yellow triangle. The one eye on his golden surface was playful, his arms open.

Dipper knew that meant he was pissed beyond belief.

"Bill!" Dipper exclaimed, happy to see his boyfriend.

"Why are you happy to see him?" Both Gideon and Mable asked, shocked.

Dipper was dropped from Gideon's grasp, falling into human-Bill's arms. Dipper smiled widely, "Bill! I missed you! I thought you were dead!"

Bill placed Dipper's feet on the floor, tipping him to stand up, "I'll never die without knowing you're safe." Dipper grabbed Bill's neck, pulling him into a kiss. Bill hugged Dipper's waist, squeezing him closer.

They parted with a string of saliva connecting their mouths. Dipper opened Bill's jacket and hugged Bill that way, snuggling his arms under the Dream Demon's overcoat.

Bill turned to face the horrified Gideon and shocked Mable, holding a ball of fire in his hand. His other hand was preoccupied holding Dipper close to him.

"What did you want with my mortal?" Bill growled, clenching his fired-up fist.

"He doesn't belong to you!" Mable cried. "You probably forced him to love you! Or that's a clone!"

Dipper clutched Bill tighter, biting his lip. They're not gonna trust... either of us.

Bill clenched his fist tighter, his nails making his palms bleed. "He's not yours! He's mine!" Bill yelled, stepping into a fighting stance. "I didn't do anything to him!"

Dipper knew what was coming when Bill got worked up like this. He stepped back, looking into Bill's one eye.

Bill's golden hair, the under part of his tail-coat, and his eye started to shift to orange. He narrowed his eye at Gideon and Mable, his teeth starting to come to a point. He grew taller slightly, both hands being engulfed in blue flames.

"Bill Cipher," Dipper said in a commanding voice. "You need to calm down." Bill growled, the orange changing to red. Dipper stepped closer, Bill's eye snapping to him.

"DIPPER! GET AWAY FROM HIM!" Mable screeched.

Dipper rested a shaky hand on Bill's cheek, "I'm not scared of you. I love you, Cipher. And I'm yours, I promise. They're not going to hurt me."

Bill calmed down, shrinking, the red going back to gold. His eye became more relaxed, his breathing as well. He blinked, looking down at his hands.

"What did I do...?" Bill asked quietly. "What... What have I become...?"

Dipper pulled Bill close to him, letting them both fall to their knees. "You were just protecting me, baby," Dipper said softly, petting Bill's hair.

"I'm not good for you, Pinetree," Bill said sadly. "Your whole family hates me... I tried to kill you... And your family... Of course they'd think... they'd think..." Bill tried before breaking into sobs.

Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now