6 - Broken (Sasuke Uchiha x Naruto Uzumaki)

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Warning: Suicide attempt, blood, cutting, angst

The words hurt. They hurt like shit.

You're a loser, a nobody.
Scum of the earth.
Why do you even try to be a Hokage? You're useless.
He's a child!

Naruto stood in his bathroom, numb tears falling uselessly from his dull eyes. Pill bottles lined the sink, as well as a bloody razor. His tanned arms were littered with textured scars, running from his elbow up to his shoulders (which were hidden by his jumpsuit). More were scattered on his thighs, leading to his hips.

He hasn't eaten anything substantial in a week. The most he'd eaten was a cup of noodles three days ago.

He was so weak.

A breath could push him over and make him crumble.

He really was pathetic.

He wanted to end it right there and then. A knife through his chest is all it would take. Simple.

But no.

He couldn't.

Sasuke and Sakura were coming over to visit him. He couldn't die on them.

But he wanted it so badly. The thrill of the blade on his skin. The beautiful blood that bloomed along the cuts.

He deserved it.

He was stupid and useless. Sasuke told him daily. Sakura did the same.

Yeah... Why not?

Naruto walked out of his bathroom, walking to the kitchen. He grabbed a knife from the knife block, holding it tightly.

Then, the door opened.

Fuck, Naruto cursed. He quickly posed the blade above his chest, letting out sobs.

"Naruto!" Sasuke cried.

Naruto ignored him, taking a deep breath.

Everything seemed to be in slow motion. Sakura's cry. Sasuke knocking into him. The knife clattering to the floor. Their bodies following suit.

He was in a tank top and shorts, so they could see all the cuts.

"Sakura!" Sasuke snapped. "Go get Kakashi-Sensei!"

The pink-haired girl nodded firmly, running out of the apartment.

"WHY WERE YOU GOING TO KILL YOURSELF?!" Sasuke demanded. He was sitting on top of Naruto, pinning his wrists to the wood floor. "DON'T YOU KNOW HOW MUCH... you mean... to me...?"

Naruto looked up into Sasuke's eyes. He was crying.

"You... You idiot... Why... Why were you going to..."

"Naruto!" The familiar voice of Kakashi rang through Naruto's apartment. "Get off him, Sasuke," the Jonin ninja commanded as he appeared in Naruto's view, his one visible eye worried and shocked.

Sasuke didn't move, "No. I'm staying with him."

Naruto smiled softly.

"He's mine," Sasuke growled, protective. "Leave. I have to talk to him alone."

"Sasuke Uchiha," Kakashi warned. "Get off Naruto and let us take him to the hospital."

Naruto froze. The hospital? No, no, no, no, no. He can't go there. He can't. No, no, no, no, no.

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