12 - I've Been Hurt (Kazuichi Souda x Gundham Tanaka)

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So I've been dead for like a few months
Take some Soudam
I can't get enough of this ship at all and Kazuichi and Gundham are my favourite characters in all of Danganronpa
Warnings: Injuries, hospitals, queerphobia, physical abuse, slurs, implied self-harm
Characters: Kazuichi Souda, Gundham Tanaka, Tomaki Souda (OC for Kazuichi' dad), Ibuki Mioda, Sonia Nevermind

"Kazuichi!!" Ibuki cheered, her voice carrying through the garage. "We're here to pick you up!"

Kazuichi tried to move, pushing himself up. It was almost impossible. Everything hurt. He was pretty sure a rib was cracked.

He spat out hot-pink blood, gritting his teeth.

"Kazuichi!" Sonia called.

They were coming closer.

Kazuichi gripped his bleeding side and pulled himself along the floor, trying to get to the garage door.

They didn't have to see this. It would be okay.

But he should take a nap.

No. He had to get away.

He couldn't make it. His body gave out a foot away from the steps. His chest heaved with painful breaths. Kazuichi squeezed his eyes shut, pressing on his side.

"Oh my God!" Sonia cried. "Guys! I found him! Call an ambulance!!"

Sonia rushed over and dropped beside Kazuichi, analyzing the situation. Gundham came to his other side, taking off his scarf and pressing it onto Kazuichi's wound.

"Kazuichi, do not close your eyes," Gundham ordered.

Kazuichi just hummed, feeling tired. He should really take a nap.

"Kazuichi," Gundham said more sternly—frantically. "Kazuichi tell me about our first date."

Kazuichi struggled to keep his eyes open, his brain foggy. He just stared at Gundham.

He was so perfect.


Napping sounds wonderful.

"Stay awake, Kazuichi!"

"Gundham...?" Kazuichi mumbled.

"Yes, my love?"

"I love you... Never forget me."

"I'm not going to, my love," Gundham said, tears smearing his eyeliner. "We're going to make so many more memories. You're going to live."

Kazuichi just stared, hoping that Gundham knew how much he loved him.

"The ambulance is here!" Ibuki said.

All Kazuichi remembered was getting put in an ambulance, Gundham never letting go of his hand.

Then, he heard voices.

"Good morning, my paramour."

Kazuichi felt his heart melt and soar at the same time.

"Ah, the flowers have wilted. I will bring some new ones tomorrow." A cold hand slipped into his. "Your father sent you another note. I did not read it, like usual. Please awake soon, my love."

Cold against his forehead.

"Tomorrow at about the same time. I will bring flowers."

Footsteps faded away.

He relaxed, everything going away until he heard the voice again.

"Good afternoon, love," he said. "I have brought you roses this time."

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