7 - Feelings (Ryuji Sakamoto x Yusuke Kitagawa)

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Persona 5
Warning: Angst, asexual character

Something was wrong with him. In every health class, conversion in the change room, and thought in his head, sexual attraction came up.

"Who do you want to bang, Ryuji?"

"Which girl is the one you wanna fuck?"

"When you have sex, make sure it's with someone you love and trust."

Bang. Fuck. Have sex with. However you put it, it means the same.

And Ryuji just didn't feel it. He didn't find any girl hot enough to fuck. He didn't want to bang anyone.

Honestly, it disgusted him.

Both how he felt and the thought of sex. Impaling someone just to make them feel good? Ryuji found no reason to like it.

And women just didn't appeal to him, anyway. It was men.

That was another thing wrong with him. He liked men, for fuck's sake.

How his former-friends described their feelings for women, Ryuji found that in men.

More specifically, a certain art student.

Sure, Ryuji had a crush on Yusuke, but he never found joy in the thought of having sex with him.

Yusuke was tall, lean, and surprisingly strong. His voice was soft and he goes straight to the point, no matter the effect it will have on people. Ryuji just wanted to run his fingers through the nest of blue hair atop the artist's head as they watched a movie.

"Sakamoto? Are you listening?" The teacher asked expectantly.

Ryuji lifted his head, leaning back in his chair, "Yeah."

"Good," she said, turning back to the board. "Now, hormones are the things that make you feel sexual attraction to other people."

Ryuji winced. Great. "Sexual attraction this" or "sexual attraction that."

Maybe he should talk to Dr. Maruki.

Yeah, he would do that after school. He needed to be told there was something wrong with him by a professional.

After school, Ryuji made it to Maruki's office. He lifted his hand to the door to knock, but hesitated.

What if he was incurable? What if he wasn't okay?

Ryuji shook his head and knocked on the door.

The phycologist opened the door quickly and smiled when he saw Ryuji, "Good afternoon, Sakamoto! What can I do for you?"

Ryuji rubbed the back of his neck, "I, uh, wanted to talk with ya about somethin'."

Maruki stepped aside to let Ryuji in, "Of course! There's snacks for you!"

Ryuji walked in and sat on the couch, watching Maruki close the door. The brunette walked over to the chair, sitting down.

"What is it you want to talk about?" Maruki asked.

Ryuji looked down, fumbling with his hands. His good leg was bouncing and his stomach was in a knot.

"I..." He started. "I don't want you telling me I'm sick..."

Maruki looked confused.

"I don't know what's wrong with me," Ryuji said through the lump in his throat. "I don't— I can't like girls like my friends do. They wanna bang them and I don't. I don't feel any sort of attraction to chicks at all. And I do to guys. But not sexual." Ryuji looked up at Maruki, "What's wrong with me?"

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