9 - Past (Logan Angst)

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TW: Mentions of rape/abuse,

It was a peaceful day in the Mindscape. Everyone was in the living room, doing their own thing. Logan was reading, Virgil was scrolling through Twitter, Roman and Remus were watching a Disney movie on low volume, Patton was sewing, and Janus was asleep at the end of the couch with his two-headed snake.

Then, Logan's phone went off. He excused himself to the kitchen and picked up, "Hello?"

"Hello, Logan," an sly, raspy voice said slowly. "I hope I didn't catch you at a bad time?"

Logan stiffened, "I told you not to call me again."

The voice chuckled, "Oh, I couldn't help but call. I miss you~"

Logan sighed, "I don't miss you. Goodbye."

"Wait, but Logan," the voice called. "Don't you wanna know why I really called? I'm outside... Let me in."

That tone of voice scared Logan into doing whatever they wanted. Logan walked to the door and opened it.

There stood a man, about five years older than Logan. He was attractive, physically, but Logan knew it was all a mask.

"Can we talk outside?" The man asked. Logan nodded, stepping outside and closing the door. "You know I missed you, Logan," the man said, pushing Logan against the house. "What do you say back?"

"I missed you too, sir," Logan said quickly.

The man smirked, "Good boy. You didn't replace me, did you? You know you can't live without me. You're useless otherwise."

Logan shook his head, "No, sir."

The man grabbed Logan's hair, "We're going home. No objections." He pulled Logan down the stairs and down the street.

Logan grabbed at the man's hand, digging his thumb's nail into his wrist. When the man's grip loosened with a shout, Logan ripped himself away.

"NO!" Logan yelled. "I'M NOT GOING WITH YOU, AIDEN!" He stepped back, "You were horrible. You made me think I deserved to be beaten every damn day. You made me think I didn't deserve food or a proper place to sleep! I'm not going back with you, ever. You made me think that saying 'no' to you was punishable. You made me think that I didn't deserve you and you were just taking pity on me!"

Logan walked back more as the man, apparently named Aiden, came closer, a dark look in his eyes.

"Now I know I deserve to use my voice," Logan growled. "I can say no. I deserve food. I don't deserve to be beaten. You don't deserve me. You never did and never, ever will."

He turned on his heel and walked to the house. He opened the door and, before he could close it, Aiden stopped him.

"Come on, Princess," Aiden cooed. "Let me in."

Logan leaned against the door, on the verge of panicking. "No way in fucking Hell am I ever letting you in."

Someone came up behind Logan, "LoLo? What's wrong? Who do you want me to dismember?"

Logan squeezed his eyes shut, "Stay out of this, Remus. This is between me and him. GO THE FUCK AWAY!"

Then, with a forceful shove, the door opened and a furious Aiden stood there. Logan stumbled back, clutching the counter.

"You are dead, Logan," Aiden growled. "That was unacceptable."

"Bring everyone upstairs, Remus," Logan said, standing up. "I don't want them seeing this."

After a second of hesitation, Remus did as he was told.

"Let me make one thing clear, Aiden," Logan said. "I don't belong to you. I never will and never have."

Aiden laughed, "Aww, you think you have that choice! You belong to me, Logan Sanders. Come with me. We're going home."

Logan stepped into the living room, "No. I am not going back to that Hell ever again. I'm not— I'm not going to let you— you touch me like that again! I'm not going to be treated like a pet ever again."

Aiden raised an eyebrow, "Oh? You think I need permission?" He grabbed Logan's arms and pressed him to the wall.

"Let me go," Logan demanded, trying to pull himself out of the iron grip. "Now."

Aiden leaned closer, his alcohol-smelling breath fluttering over Logan's face, "No."

Their lips pressed together and Logan turned his head away, "REM—"

"Nuh uh uh," Aiden sang, covering Logan's mouth. "Not so fast, honey. You need to be taught a lesson."

With his free hand, Logan jabbed his fingers into Aiden's side.

Aiden chuckled, "You were always so weak and pitiful."

Logan glared at Aiden, "Go to fucking Hell, you sonofabitch." He brought his knee up and hit Aiden's stomach, making him let go and double over. Logan fled immediately. He ran upstairs, seeing Patton's door slightly open.

As Logan started towards the end of the hall, he was pulled back by his hair. He let out a scream as he fell to the floor. He hit it roughly, feeling Aiden straddle him.


Logan looked up through teary eyes and saw his family.

"Get your filthy fucking hands off Logan," Patton growled. "And this might go over a little easier."

Luci, Remus's morning star, appeared in Patton's hand. In a blink, Patton was running at Aiden, holding the weapon tightly. He swung it full-force at Aiden's head, successfully knocking him out (or killing him, because there was a lot of blood). He kicked Aiden's legs off Logan and dropped down to Logan.

"Are you alright, kiddo?" Patton asked, cupping Logan's cheeks. "You said not to get involved, so we had to hold Remus back." Patton gently pulled Logan into his lap, rocking softly. "You don't have to tell us, but I need to know you're alright."

Logan let out a sob and buried his face in Patton's sweater. He couldn't calm down, but that was okay. Everything was okay. Patton was here. Remus was here. Roman was here. Janus was here. Virgil was here.

His family was here.

And that's when he passed out.


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