3 - Secrets (Logan Sanders x Remus Sanders)

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Warning: Remus ( if you don't know him) is a crazy son of a bitch, so if you aren't comfortable with the following, I suggest you don't read this one:
- Mention of murder
- Little bit of smoking weed
- Non-Binary Janus
- Gay
- Semi-unsympathetic Roman

⚠️Spoilers for all of Sanders Sides⚠️

If you are new to the Sanders Sides:
Logan is Logic; Patton is Morality; Roman is Light Creativity; Remus is Dark Creativity; Janus is Deceit; Virgil is Anxiety

One Year After the "Dealing With Intrusive Thoughts" Video

Logan worked for hours, studying "tells" for lying, how to deal with intrusive thoughts, and looking at new books he could ask Roman to conjure. He had grabbed a cup of iced coffee a while ago, but now it was empty.

Logan stood up from his desk, stretching. He relaxed with a sigh, taking his tall, clear coffee cup and went downstairs.

In the kitchen, he was alone. He set up the coffee maker, picking a dark roast. Would Virgil want some? Probably. He grabbed another mug—this one having the iconic hill from Nightmare Before Christmas with the large, yellow moon behind it.

While the coffee was collecting in the pitcher underneath, Logan leaned against the counter, closing his eyes. He crossed his arms, waiting for the soft beep of the coffee machine.

"Hi Logan!" A loud voice said happily. Logan opened his eyes, seeing Remus's bright-green eyes right in front of him.

"Good evening, Remus," Logan said, turning to the coffee maker. "I would suggest keeping your voice down, the others should be asleep."

Remus shrugged, "Eh, it'll be worth it if they get me in trouble."

Logan poured coffee into both mugs, "It is not my problem." He added two spoonfuls of sugar and a little bit of cream to Virgil's coffee, and a handful of ice cubes to his own. "Good night, Remus," he said, leaving.

Unsurprisingly, Remus trailed behind him. Even when Logan gave Virgil his coffee. Even when Logan went to his room. Remus just sat on Logan's bed as the logical side worked.

Remarkably, Remus stayed quiet. He let Logan work, only asking the odd question about gore or animals.

"How much blood does a human body have?"

"About 5 litres."

Logan worked on his knowledge of plants—which was one of the most limited, currently.

"How many times can someone be stabbed before they die?"

"It depends where. Through the heart would result in major blood loss and death within a minute. If you stab someone's back and break the spine, that would kill them. If you miss and puncture organs like kidneys or lungs, they would bleed to death relatively quickly. If they are unlucky enough to be stabbed in their head, the knife—if that is what you're referring to as the weapon—would most likely not be enough to penetrate their skull. Though, there are certain spots like the brainstem and the temporal region that are more susceptible."

"Where's the temporal region?"

"You can access it by stabbing just behind the victim's jaw and just below the ear. If you do manage to reach the brain, however, the victim will suffer from intracranial hemorrhage and possible death. And, they will only feel the pain of the knife in their muscles and tissue, because the brain cannot feel pain."

Logan hadn't turned away from his computer the whole conversation, switching to studying psychology.

It was quiet for a while. Logan appreciated it so he could work on studying the abnormalities of the human brain. He took notes while he read, varying from specific to general.

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