Chapter One

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Running through the woods; the wind whipping through your hair. You jump and sprint twist and turn trying to get through woods away from the monster chasing you. You dare to take a quick glance behind and see the hideous creature  has gained on you. Just as you make it to a clearing in the sun you trip hearing a snap as seating pain shoots up your leg and you tumble head over heels down a hill. You screech thinking 'This is it, after all this time running this is how I'm gonna die? Tripping on some root?' However before you reach the bottom of the hill you bump into something, correction-someone. As you look up you see  girl with blond hair and grey eyes; she smiles down at you before kneeling by your side, 'I'm Annabeth Chase, we're here to help you. Can you walk?' 

You hesitate a second before nodding and allowing her to help you up. As you look around you notice the monster has stopped chasing you and seems to have disappeared without a trace. You catch a glimpse of a boy with a sword emerging from the woods before Annabeth helps you walk to what she calls Camp Half-Blood. Eventually the boy you saw in the woods catches up to you and tells the girl next to you something about a minotaur and killing it, you weren't really paying attention at this point as you were more focused on not blacking out from the pure shock and pain being drawn up from your ankle. Unfortunately, your vision went fuzzy and you tarted to fall over before you felt yourself being steadied, someone, the boy maybe? asked something you just nodded before collapsing and blacking out...


You were sitting under a tree, overlooking a large lake, when a boy walked over to you. He smiled at you as you patted the ground next to you and he plopped down wrapping an arm around your shoulders as you lay your head on his chest. You smiled up at him and looked into his deep brown eyes. His twinkling, mischievous, love filled eyes. The strange boy, whom it seems you know? notices you looking at him and smiles down at you leaving a soft kiss on your forehead. You both look back out over the lake as the sun sets leaving a sparkling reflection on the surface of the water. 

As you finish regaining consciousness you feel groggy and the dream quickly fades, leavng only the memory of those beautiful eyes... Who did they belong to? You were in the middle of figuring out how you were going to find that strange boy, if he were even real, when Annabeth and some blond boy noticed you were awake. They were immediately at your side asking how you were and what you needed, you told the boy you were fine, your ankle was a little sore but you've felt worse. "Who is he?" you gesture to the boy who is now getting some bandages out of a cabinet. 

"That's Will Solace, Apollo Cabin" Annabeth answers smiling at you, up close you notice she has beautiful grey eyes to go along with her sandy blond hair and muscled tan...Those eyes, you had to find the eyes from your dream...

"Where am I?" You realized you geniunally had no idea who these people were or where you were, or if you should trust them... Well Annabeth saved you so you can probably trust her. And...wait did she say Apollo? wasn't that Greek or something?

"You're at Camp Half-Blood, you're a demigod, part human part god. Also I never caught your name?" She responds to your question.

"Oh..right..I'm Y/n. What do you mean 'part god'?" Part god? Yeah right maybe she was whacked. 

"Well, every once in a while the Greek gods have children with mortals, are you missing one of your parents? The gods can never stick around for long enough to raise their children" She continues to explain more about Camp Half-Blood and the Greek gods while the boy, Will, treats and bandages you ankle.

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