Chapter 13

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      I looked at Percy with a confused expression. He was being extremely unhelpful so I decided to chase after Caedon. "Hey, wait up!" Caedon turned around to look at me, "Wha-why did you...?"

    "I-uhm...sorry is that was out of turn...I know you still like him-I shouldn't have..." He was rubbing the back of his neck and blushing, stumbling over his words, looking down. Nervously I took a step towards him, 

   "I-it was fine, I kinda like you too." I wanted to blush and look away but I forced the red down and looked into his eyes. Both of us searching the other's to be sure of what we were hearing.  Caedon wasn't Leo, but I could learn to love him. He was truly and amazing person, anyone would be lucky to have him. Besides that it would help me to get over Leo if I could fall in love with Caedon. Leo had Calypso, end of story. Even if she left again I doubt I could trust Leo again, he would never get over her and I would never get over him. 

   That's the difference between trust and love, if you don't trust someone you can't love them. He loves someone, trusts them. I love him, I can't trust him. Someone loves me, trusts me and I trust them. Learning to love is easy, learning to trust is not.













Have y'all noticed everytime I do an A/n instead of a chapter it counts that as a chapter so it skips chapter 8 because I did an A/n then...Lol

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