Chapter 18

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A/n hahaha I'm back bitches!!! Writing on requests now! So message me or comment with requests!! 

Y/n Pov

Everything has been so weird lately. Calypso left, gods know where to, and Leo didn't seem as....heartbroken? Sad? Lonely? Crushed? I thought he would be. Honestly, I was a little pissed, Calypso came in, and all of a sudden he's no longer interested in me. Then when she leaves he doesn't even seem very torn up about it! It just doesn't add up.

Anyway, Annabeth had to leave for a couple of weeks to work on some sort of review of her work on Olympus. It was kinda perfect timing actually, Percy never had a ton of time for just me when Annabeth was around. I mean don't get me wrong, I had a lot of fun hanging out with them but I just really enjoy alone time with big bro. 

Caedon and I were still close but he had been hanging out with this really pretty blond girl from Demeter and had less time for me. Leo had been trying to be around me more, which just made me madder. If he didn't want me when Calypso was here why should he get me when she leaves? And what's to stop him from breaking me again if she comes back?

Last Monday Percy was coaching me in the arena and the weirdest thing happened...He had just swung at my hand, not that he would ever hit it but he normally got really close to making it 'realistic' or whatever. I think he just likes scaring me. But my wrist turned like water, pushed up through the blade, and allowed me to hit the sword down from the dull side. That had never happened before. 

Chiron said he'd never heard of anything like it. Naturally, Percy being an idiot and me not being much less idiotic decided to test this new power. We started off with wooden swords. I couldn't seem to figure out how to make it work. When I did finally get it to work it was like my body was drawing water from somewhere to make it like...Well like cutting through the water I guess. 

Anyway, after so many runs to the Apollo Cabin to get Will we set up a little 'testing' area in between the lake and the arena. This way Percy could easily run to get a new weapon to test and could also summon the water to heal me if it got too bad. I know all this sounds awful but it was actually really fun. After a while, I could turn whatever part of me into liquid, except my right foot and ankle, don't ask me why. I couldn't answer you, as best I can tell that part just doesn't like me.

Other than experimenting with that me and Percy had been doing all our favorite things, which might've resulted in having to do the dishes with the harpies more than once. Well now that you're all up to speed let's talk about today. We haven't told very many people about my new ability, not even Caedon knows, soooo me and Percy, idiots that we are, challenged Clarisse to a duel! Well technically I did, but it was Percy's idea. 

We planned to meet up at the arena right after lunch, what sane person eats after lunch, I have no idea but I couldn't really say no to Clarisse at that point. Percy snapped me out of my thoughts,

"Now remember, don't do your liquidy voodoo magic until she starts to get cocky, well at least more then normal. "

"Yeah yeah I know, you've been hanging out with the Stolls too much. Element of surprise and all." We started to head down towards the arena and just as planned almost everyone at camp was there. We might have let it slip to a girl from aphrodite, you know how they gossip. Well except Piper. 








A/n sorry this literally sucks assssss! Getting back into writing isn't easyyy! Shoutout to @Trunkbussinfor for the request, sorry we're not exactly what you asked for yet! I promise we're getting there, I have at least twoish more chapter planned for your request just thought I would a get a shorter one out now so you have something to read!!! Thanks for reading bestiessss have a good night or morning or evening or afternoon or whatever! Love you alllll

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