Chapter 6

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         It was the morning of the Valentines Dance, February 14. Leo hadn't asked you to the dance...Hazel said there was still time before the dance, and that Leo was ALWAYS late about EVERYTHING. He probably just didn't feel what you felt for him. The boys had all stayed at Jason's again, the girls in Cabin 3. You weren't sure why the all the boys (not the whole camp, just the boys in the seven +Nico and Will and a few other friends) had stayed in Cabin 1, you girls were doing a spa night to look your best for the Dance. 

      Cabin 3 was the best cabin to have a spa night in, the fountain had hidden jets an turned into a spa, making the whole room like a steam room. Piper had 'borrowed' some beauty stuff from her Cabin and you guys had started a sappy love movie. 

       In the morning everyone woke up bright and early to start getting ready for the dance. Annabeth arranged with Percy to bring them some food for brunch. At 11:00 everyone was giggling, brushing hair, testing shoes, setting up stations for hair and make up. Percy, Jason, and guess who, Leo were all standing at the door knocking when you came to open it. All the other girls hid in the back of the cabin so's not to spoil the surprise of how they looked, you had agreed earlier to not start getting ready until after the boys left.

Leo's POV

        Me, Percy and Jason had just arrived at the Poseidon Cabin, where all the girls were staying. Percy knocked and Y/n opened the door, I swear every time  I see her my heart stops for a moment. I lose my breath every time, some would say she looked like a mess. Unbrushed hair, baggy pants and...Percy's shirt? But I think she looked gorgeous, her y/h/l, y/h/c framed her perfect face beautifully. 

       We walked in, she showed us were to set the food and thanked us. Percy gave her a comforting hug. Wait, comforting?? Why was she, were her eyes wet from tears? I thought it was just the usual morning wet eye thing, but why would she be sad? The dance was tonight...Oh gods, she wasn't going with anyone. I totally forgot to ask her, in fact I totally forgot about the Dance until last night when Jason and Percy asked who I was going with.

     Ughhh, why am I such an idiot! I've never been enough, not for my Mom, Calypso...The only thing I've ever been good for is being annoying, causing wars, and making stuff. Dead stuff, never been good with people.  Never. They kept me around for a laugh, or a gadget. 

   I had to fix this, had to ask her. Even if she hated me, I had to try. After we get a good distance away from the Cabin I tell the Jason and Percy I had to grab something and ran around to the back of Cabin 3. A few years back me and Piper had developed a whistle, one that sounded like a bird, but we both knew otherwise.  It was based off Morse code so we could send each other simple messages without getting caught. I whistled, asking Pipes to meet me at the window outside the bathroom of the Cabin. 

    In a few minutes she appeared and opened the window before hissing at me, "What Leo? You know better then to totally forget to ask the girl you like to a Valentines DANCE." I explained, leaving out the part about my Mom and Calypso because that always worried her. Pipes was like a protective older sister. She looked at me, her whole demeanor changing because she knew exactly what I left out, "I have a plan..."


After the boys left you dried your tears and called the girls in. Immediately a swarm of girls came in and half the food was gone within five minutes. Piper said she had to use the bathroom after some sort of weird bird sound, you felt Hazel and Annabeth wrap their arms around and smile at you sadly. 

"You should really start getting ready now Y/n" Hazel was so quiet it was almost a whisper, this was why you loved her so much, she could be a sweet little mouse, she could be the strongest person you knew, and she could take a joke. She was also extremely loyal to those close to her. 

"I know, I will." you smiled reassuringly. "In fact, when Pipes is done I'll have her do my hair and make-up." 

{Time skip filled with make-up, heels and dresses}

It was 3:30, half an hour before the dance. Everyone was ready, you girls all went to finish setting up everything in the pavilion, the tables had been moved to the sides, and pink streamers and hearts were scattered on the ceiling and walls. 

"Y/n! Can you go grab the extra streamers from my Cabin? It's fine all the other Aphrodite kids are gone" Pipes was yelling because she was on the other side of the pavilion, you had no choice but to go get them and you were happy to help besides you could use some fresh air before the party...And Leo...

Upon arriving you noticed the usually buzzing cabin was silent, Piper had told you no one would be here but it was strange none the less. As you opened the door you saw Leo. He was standing there, with a single yellow rose (She wrote my name in yellow hearts) surrounded by candles. "Uh-um...Leo?" He turned around with wide eyes, 

"Oh uh H-hey Y/n.."he cleared his throat, "I know I'm late but...would you maybe go to the Dance with me...maybe?" You had never seen him so flustered, he was a blushing stuttering mess, one hand massaging the back of his neck as he rocked back and forth on his heels. He never could stay still could he? 

"Of course Leo, I would love to." Suddenly he was normal over confident Leo, you could fix that. You slowly walked towards him as he backed into a table, 

"Y/n? W-what are you doing..." You leaned towards him so your noses almost touched, it took every ounce of will power but you didn't kiss him. Not yet. You reached behind him and grabbed the streamer roll before turning around and walking briskly out the door without looking back, but you could've sworn you heard him say something about 'all da ladies loving Leo' or something, you weren't sure you wanted to know. 

It was time for the Dance, Percy was Dj-ing with Annabeth, a few couples had started dancing but nothing major yet. The Dionysius Cabin had already managed to get drunk on juice? Basically a normal party so far but you couldn't wait to see Leo. 

Leo's POV

I was running late, the Party started fifteen minutes ago but I was always late so I should be right on time for me. The Queen is never late, everyone else is early, and I am most definitely the Queen. I was walking into the dining pavilion when I saw her, I had already seen her dress but she looked perfect now, more perfect then always, swimming in a bask or pink-red light, my heart did it's normal freeze thing, accompanied by a hitch in my breath. I walked over towards the beautiful girl, if you could call her that, tonight she outrun Aphrodite by a long shot in the beauty compartment. 

Upon reaching her I  held out my arm and asked to dance. It was perfect, holding each others gaze until she would blush and look away, Cutest thing ever. I felt better then I'd felt in a long time, standing there, swaying to the music, with Y/n in my arms.












hi guysss!!  Almost to 50 reads!!!! That 's AMAZING thank you so much for reading!!! !y Birthday is coming up soon!! Only a couple weeks, I will be doing a little bio about myself for y'all, plz vote, comment and share!! Also any ideas for an actual name let me know, open to requests for this story and others!!! 

-The Anonymous Author

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