Chapter 5

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        You fell asleep before the two other girls in your cabin that night. Falling asleep to the sound of their whispers and giggles in between your steady breathing. That night you dreamt that it was just you and Leo, watching a movie together. He had wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his lap, resting his chin on you shoulder. You had flt so warm and safe in his arms...You had looked over at him and he looked back at you, holding your gaze. The sound from the movie drowned out to a low hum as you leaned closer to him, as if being drawn to him magnetically. The last thing you remember was his nose against yours in an almost kiss when your eyes fluttered open to Pipers face right above your as she blew on your face to wake you up. 

      You shoved her slightly pushing her off of you so you could it up. "What time is it?" There was only a soft light streaming in through the window next to your bed, which over looked the shimmering lake. 

"It's seven" Piper chirped and you groaned,

"Why did you HAVE to wake me so earlyyy" You dragged out the E sound as you plopped you back down under the blankets. Piper was busy blowing on Hazel at this point. Hazel sat up miming gagging, 

"You could've at least took a mint first you know," Piper whispered something in Hazels ear, immediately the shorter girl jumped up and started getting ready for the day. Piper smiled knowingly at you as you asked, 

"What did you just tell her...?" 

"I was simply reminding her of some plans we made last night."

"Which would be?" You were genuinely concerned, maybe you should have stayed awake last night? 

"Well, me and Hazel were talking...And you know how it's getting close to Valentines day?" She didn't wait for a response before continuing, "We figured, with the War just ending and whatnot, we're do for some celebration, and what better way to do that then a Valentines Dance!" She smiled at you in a way that said 'we're actually doing this because now we know you like Leo and we're totally shipping it, hard.'  Well, it might help, but you knew it didn't matter if you agreed to it or not, you were stuck. And they would probably find a way to get Leo to go with you. 

"And this affects what we're doing today becaussse?" you had a guess but it involved a lot of trying on and walking.

"Today we're going dress shopping!!" You groaned, it was Hazel who answered, which proved she was as much to blame as Piper. "Annabeth's coming, so is Rachel Dare, Reyna, and Juniper (Grover's girlfriend, nymph). But I doubt Reyna will get anything...I'm not actually sure why she's coming..." 

[Time skip, in which you all hurriedly get dresses and ready to go shopping. ]

Chiron let you girls borrow the camp bus and gave you each some American money to buy your dresses with. Jason and Percy decided to come to 'chaperone' but if anything you guys would be chaperoning them. 

With the boys and Reyna's help the six girls pick out dresses, each with a matching tie for whoever asked them (assuming someone would) to the dance as their date. 

{here are the dresses} 

Piper-(with some convincing from the rest of the girls)

Piper-(with some convincing from the rest of the girls)

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Rachel Dare- 

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Rachel Dare- 

Y/n-(with MUCH MUCH convincing) 

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Y/n-(with MUCH MUCH convincing) 

Y/n-(with MUCH MUCH convincing) 

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You all made your purchases and went back the van to drive home: Reyna decided to drive since she was the oldest. You sat down between Percy and Piper, Annabeth on the other side of Percy and Jason next to Pipes (it was a big van ok?) "Y/n, that dress looks perfect on you! The light color accents your y/h/c perfectly!" You had seen Pipers girly side only once before...That ended up with Clarisse dating some Hermes kid named Chris. Yeah, Clarisse La Rue. Dating. Weird. 

         Anyway, Piper could set up just about who ever she liked and they almost always became a pair, which was a little bit scary...But as long as she was trying to set you up with Leo... Couldn't go that badly could it?

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