Chapter 3

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Leo's POV 

     It had just been a normal day, helping my siblings in the forage, walking back to Bunker 9. Build. Get dirty. Look amazing. Build...You get the idea. I did have the weirdest dream the other night though, but that's all it was, a dream. Sure demigods got weird vision things but...this just wasn't one, it couldn't be one.  

I was sitting under a tree, looking out over the lake. The sun was just beginning to set, leaving a shimmering reflection on the vast lake. As I was sitting there a girl with Y/h/c and Y/e/c walked over to me. I looked up and smiled at her, something about her made me smile, just seeing her made me happy. When she smiled back it was as though time stopped, the world froze so that she was the single most amazing thing on it. Her smile....damn it, there weren't words to express how it made him feel.  

See why it couldn't be real? He couldn't feel that way for another girl, Calypso had jut left, just a few months before...He wasn't sure he was ready to put his heart in another persons hands...Ever. But the way that mysterious girl made him feel, she felt like a safe place, warm, and cozy, and oddly enough, familiar. It didn't matter though, it was probabally just a dream anyways. 

(Time skip to after dinnerrrrrrr) 

I was messing around with Percy, just talking, ya know, being the Super Sized Mcshizzel and whattnot when I see Annabeth introducing a new girl. Well naturally Percy wanted to go over to Annabeth so you both made your way over to the two girls. Percy snaked an arm around Annabeths waist and gave her a kiss on the cheek, "Talking bad about me already? Y/n will hate me before i can even say 'hi'!"

"Then you'd better say 'hi' quickly huh?" Annabeth retorted quicklly, 


"Seaweed Brain" Annabeth shook her head playfully dismissing Percy's inscolence. 

"Hey! What about me! She said I was an idiot and a trouble maker!" I protested. 

"That's 'cause you are," Piper walked over joining in on our little argument. Until now I hadn't paid much attention to the girl at Annabeth side but once I glanced over we both froze, her smile uickly faded but not before I knew who she was.

Y/n was the girl from my dream, the one the Aphordite had driven to me.  







Hey guys!!! sorry for not updating and a kinda sucky chapterrrr. I was on vacation and didn't have Wifi, Promise to update more often and try and write better chapterssss!!!!

                          -Love the Anyomuos writer

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