Chapter 12

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    In had been a couple weeks since the...incident...I had grown closer to Caedon, he'd been been there for me since Calypso coming. Every time she would sneer at me, call me a name or something worse he was always there to stand up for me. He wasn't Leo but...he wouldn't...leave.

    It was lunch time, I sat down at the Poseiden table with Percy, Caedon came over to sit by me. He slung his arm over me and I smiled up at him. Percy and him did their weird man handshake thing, and started having a conversation. I couldn't help but look over at Leo and Calypso at the Hephaestus, table. 

    Her snuggled up against him, him laughing with a friend. She looked up at him and he looked over at her, they both started to lean in....I looked away, I couldn't bear to see it. "You okay, Y/n/n?" (Your nick name) 

    "Uh-Uhm yeah just..." He understood, he knew what I went through every day. 

    "Forget about him, you deserve better." Caedon smiled sadly at you, before kissing your forehead lightly. Stunned you froze and looked questioningly at Percy. 

   "Did he just...?"

   "Yup, you didn't know?"

   "About what?" Percy just shook his head slightly smirking and eating his food.

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