Chapter 10

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       Y/n POV

       Everything was going perfect...We almost kissed. I almost kissed Leo freaking Valdez. Key word; almost. Naturally, just as things were finally working out that crazy goddess lady Calypso had to show up. 

    She stopped up behind me, I looked up at Leo at I swear he might've heard my heart break had he not been so focused on the other girl. His eyes were looking at her he'd never seen anyone more beautiful. His jaw was slack, just enough so that I could see it, I'm sure no one else could, they were too far away. 

    Calypso was practically breathing down my neck, I let go of Leo awhile before...he had let go the second she walked in. He wasn't over her, he never would be. As long as Calypso was around he would never truly be mine.











Sorry these chapters are so short! I'm trying to do less but more often!

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