Chapter 4

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Y/n POV 

The week went by without much excitement, you were just getting to know your new friends and Camp Half-Blood in general. You had you first Bonfire, and your first game of Capture the flag. Poseidon had claimed you, you had moved into Cabin 3 with Percy. Percy was a great older brother, he was there for you every night when you would have the nightmares that seemed to come with being a demigod. Him and Annabeth were like the aunt and uncle of camp. They new everyone and were there for whatever anyone needed, not to mention they were the cutest freakin' couple Aphrodite had ever paired up. Piper and Hazel had become two of your most trusted friends and advisors, unfortunately Hazel was often in New Rome with Frank as he was co-praetor with Reyhna. 

      You'd been carefully observing the Leo kid from afar, trying to figure out if your dream had meant anything. You felt that Pipes and Annabeth had started to catch on but they didn't say anything so neither did you.  As far as you could tell he was a child of Hephaestus, missed half the meals but somebody always brought him one when he missed it, normally a sibling or something but occasionally Piper or Annabeth wold. They invited you to come along but you had always made some excuse about training or something.  

That brings you up to today, every week you, Pipes, Jason, Annabeth, Percy, Leo, and sometimes NIco, Will, Hazel and Frank depending on who was around, would all gather in Cabin 3 and watch a movie. You and Piper had decided on Cabin 3 since it was just you and Percy, it wasn't crowded like most the other cabins and it didn't have a half-naked statue of Zeus staring down at you. Leo had 'found' a TV somewhere but wouldn't tell you guys anything else. For the first week you and Percy and Piper (not Annabeth because she doesn't 'borrow' thngs without permission) had discreetly gone around Camp grabbing a pillow here, or a blanket there, one time Jason brought back a couple beanbag chairs from New Rome while visting. Anyway, you guys had filled Cabin 3 chalk full of everything and anything squishy, soft, or cuddly. 

         Then you would take a vote for which movie to watch, normally it was really Piper picking because she would occasionally 'ask' someone to vote one way or the other, but none of you really cared. Tonight it was your job to make the snacks, so you and Percy microwaved some popped corn and got out the iced cream, cashew milk for Piper. Since you were getting the snacks you missed the movie vote and were the last one to sit down. You looked around and made a small frown, there was one spot in between Jason and Percy but that was...not an option, you'd know if you've ever watched a movie with either of them why. Especially with the movie choice, it was The Death Cure,  you would think those two would tough it out, but noooooo, Percy and Jason were HUGE babies, they cried ever time it got to that one scene. It was never a pretty sight. 

      But the only other seat left was by Leo...Sit next to the Latino boy or in between a sob fest, it was tight but you thought you'd take your chances with Leo. You tried not to blush as you sat down next to him but it was nearly impossible, hopefully with the low light no on would notice. As you sat down he turned his head towards you and gave you that trademark mischievious grin. You made a face back and he laughed a little. You set don the popped corn bowl you had been holding between you and pulled a blanket over top of yourself since it was getting colder outside. 

       most of the movie went by okay but you couldn't help but let out a few tears and chocked sob when Newt asked Thomas to pull the trigger. Immediatelly you felt strong arms embrace you in a side ways hug, pulling you closer. With wide, shocked eyes you turned to look at Leo who had turned back to the movie. Upon noticing you looking at him he turned to smile at you and you thought you saw a faint red sprinkling his cheeks. You carefully rested your head on his shoulder but all to soon he let go and continued watching the movie. You suddenly felt very cold and curled up farther in your blanket. You longed for the Bad Boy Supremes touch but it was gone. Gone almost as fast as it had come. 

       Soon enough the movie ended and almost everyone left, Jason, Percy, Leo, and Frank where going to have a boys night doing Hera knows what in Cabin 1, while you, Pipes, and Hazel had a slumber party. You had invited Annabeth but she said she had to wok on something and dismissed herself. After cleaning up Piper and Hazel jumped on your bed motioning for you to join them, "Y/n come on! Time to talkkk" Piper dragged the k and you knew this could only mean one thing. Boy talk. Specifically Leo. 

"Yeah Y/n, I saw you and Valdez...sitting together?" Hazel nudged you playfully, a twinkle playing in her golden honey eyes. 

"It was nothing!" They raised their eyebrows at you, "Honest I swear! It was either sit there or between Jason and Percy, and we all know how they are." You tried to give them a pointed look but you couldn't help blushing just a little bit. 

"Uhu, and him wrapping an arm around you wasn't optional either, right?" Piper had a little bit of that 'I know I'm right' smirk playing on her face at this point. 

"It wasn't like I asked him to!!! But it wa-....." you realized your mistake and clapped your hand over your mouth with wide eyes. Hazel and Piper shared a knowing look before jumping towards you and attacking you with tickles, now, normally you weren't ticklish but the way these two did was impossible not to laugh. Almost like they had been practicing... "Wait, how long have you guys been planning this?" They just laughed. 

"So you admit it?" Hazel never was one to pry but when she wanted to know something she would figure it out not matter what. 

"Admit what?" You bat your eyelashes innocently, over exaggerating the puppy eyes. 

It was Piper who jumped in, "You know what Y/n! You like Leo don't you? I've seen the way you avoid him but always sneak looks at him when you don't think we're looking. You blushed and face planted into a pillow confirming their beliefs. As the night went on you told them about your dream and how warm and tingly you felt at his touch, they were totally fangirling and Piper said something about, what was it, OPT, OTP? You weren't sure what it meant but it must be an Aphrodite thing.  










Special Valentines chapter coming upppp!!!! Lemme know about any requests or suggestions to make it real fluffyyyy

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