『 6: Blood, Sweat and Tears 』

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Note: For those who are confused about the hair thing, Inumaki has a different hairstyle in JJK 0 because Gege thought that he looked too much like Gojo. The idea of it is that [Name] accidentally froze Inumaki's hair that's why it got stuck in that position, idk why but it was what I wrote in my drafts all those months ago so I'm going with it. 



Inumaki's sudden exclaim startled the ghost in the hallway.

Almost as if it was on impulse, her floating body sped towards the closed door, desperately wanting to float pass it to see what had startled Inumaki enough for him to yell so early in the morning.

"Inumaki-kun? What's wrong? Is another spirit following you?"

And almost immediately, the door swung open to reveal Inumaki with a rather... unique hairstyle.

He irritatedly pointed at his head, emphasizing whatever it was as if a great disaster just occurred to him in his sleep. His hair was still the shade of snow, but the part that should've covered his forehead was swept up and the Sorcerer's concern was that it wouldn't lay flat no matter how hard he tried to comb it down.

 His hair was still the shade of snow, but the part that should've covered his forehead was swept up and the Sorcerer's concern was that it wouldn't lay flat no matter how hard he tried to comb it down

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"It looks nice... I guess." (Y/n) was unsure with what to reply so she nervously laughed off her uneasiness. "Did you only notice it now? I told you about it yesterday..."

(Y/n) didn't mean to do that to his hair, in her defense... she did try to tame it back to the way it used to be but maybe the cold from the night he slept on the field must have kept it sticking up like some sort of frozen weed.

Inumaki looked baffled at the Ghost's revelation, did he really walk around yesterday looking like this?

He was too caught up in the events that had transpired to think about glancing at his reflection. And as that thought processed, his face erupted into a million shades of red.

"Are you okay, Inumaki?"

"Yeah, who were you talking to?"

The ghost froze in her spot.

The Panda and the glasses girl were directly behind her, one wrong and it may be bye-bye Inumaki-kun. And although Maki-san had no cursed energy coursing through her body and Panda was basically... a panda, there was no telling what the two of them could do to 'eliminate' the spirit looming around their friend.

"You look like you've just seen a ghost." Panda laughed at his own remark, while Inumaki had - if possible - grown paler at his classmate's words, feeling cold sweat run to the base of his spine.

The green-haired Zenin had took notice of her classmate's lack response, "C'mon, you don't actually believe what that delusional Kamisato was saying, don't you?"

Oh, he did.

"She was probably just messing around."

She wasn't.

"Let's go, Gojō-sensei expects us to be there when he introduces the new student."

Inumaki couldn't fathom why his classmates were strangely so dismissive of the idea that ghosts were real. Not that he minded or anything but... are wandering souls really that much of an isolated occurrence that it wasn't even worth talking or teaching about?

The proof was right there in front of him... although frozen in place and a little bit strange in some unexplainable ways but she was still a somewhat suitable example for what a ghost could be.

"Speaking of the new student, did you know he stuffed four of his classmates into a locker."

The backs of his comrades had faced him as they descended down the hallway, their footsteps creaking and echoing the farther they got from the two.

"Inumaki? Come on, Gojō-sensei will throw a hypocrital fit if we're late."

And subtly, the white-haired shaman tugged at the floating figure's hands, gesturing for her to follow and at the same time, gazing at her with the look assurance that everything will be okay. "Ume..."

Disregarding what she did to his hair.


(Y/n) had mixed emotions for the oddly dressed man in front of her.

What's up with the blindfold?

A part of her was thankful that Inumaki's teacher had saved them both from yesterday's dilemma and yet another was still cautious and suspicious, along with another festering feeling that (Y/n) couldn't quite grasp.

Gojō-sensei - as Maki-san had put it, was oddly enthusiastic about another student's arrival.

Inumaki's teacher continued on babbling until he finally grew tired of his students' lack of response or care and decided to shut up.

"Whatever. Come on in!"

The door slid open revealing a dark-haired boy; his face painted with an expression of nervousness and anxiety. His heavy footsteps resonated in the small room, dark eyes wandering and observing each and everyone's faces.

────────────Wha- What?

And for the umpteenth time that day, (Y/n) froze. She felt as if her eyes directly clashed into his... almost like he could see her. And yet before her mind could process it, the boy averted his gaze elsewhere.

────────────It's probably nothing.

"I'm Okkotsu Yuuta." He greeted politely, "Pleased to meet you."

(Y/n) couldn't dust away the unnerving feeling bubbling within her. She couldn't quite pinpoint what was causing such a reaction from her, all that she knew was that: trouble was brewing.

Her fading hands shook with anxiety and proceed on amplifying when she looked to her right and didn't see Inumaki.




please? ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ

It's Ukyo Saionji

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It's Ukyo Saionji... ^^ the guy who's going to be the guy... (Y/n)'s guy... the guy.

... read it.

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