『 11: Maybe... next time, okay? 』

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The cold air of the yuletide season danced through the bustling streets of Tokyo. Millions of lights illuminating the ocean of people scurrying about to get to their destination, and almost like stars... they glistened and reflected within the eyes of the little boy whose attention was solely on the tall girl kneeling down to meet his height.

To him, there was something about her that radiated... familiarity. Never did he feel so confused yet reassured at the same time. And although few thoughts could be comprehended by his young mind, his heart felt all the things he couldn't put into words. Was it even possible for someone to feel like that? More so, for a child to feel that way?


Why did it feel like he knew her? Like he met her before... like he had spent such a big fragment of his life around her.


(Y/n), or so she looked like, tilted her head to look at what the kid was pointing at.

There wasn't anything in particular that stood out amongst the scenery behind her. If she was being realistic, everything around her was built to attract anyone. The little boy's finger did direct her gaze towards a triangular-shaped mascot.

Maybe, he was hungry?

"Hmm? What is it? Umeboshi? Ahh, which reminds me," the high schooler flashed the small child a kind smile, trying her absolute best to keep his attention on her. "I bought this a little while ago before we went to the store to buy the pretty vase... here."

"My sincerest apologies, my lord. I did my absolute best--" (Y/n) tried not to show her discomfort on her face at the words that flew out of their mouths. She wasn't deaf, nor was she impaired in any way... and of course, anyone would be able to hear the curses and verdicts that slipped past their lips.

Still, (Y/n) managed to focus her attention on the kid's eyes which reflected herself as if it was clear water.

On the palm of her hand sat a small triangular-shaped rice wrapped in a sheet of nori, embedded upon its white surface were little red balls- "It's Ume!" She laughed, "short for Umeboshi which is the little red dots you see--"


Amidst the falling wonders of winter were the figures of a raging father and a bowing servant; the exact scenery in which (Y/n) was trying to distract the kid from.

From the corner of her eye, she saw the approaching figure of a tall man whose hair was the same shade as the snow which scattered upon the wards of Tokyo and his eyes tinted the same color as the kid who was still busy eating the food she had given him.

(Y/n) saw his mouth move to call the little boy, yet for some reason... it sounded muffled to the (Y/n) who remained even after her death. "... say your farewells, we're returning immediately."

The blurry face of the man turned to face her and bowed, "I apologize for any inconvenience my son has caused you. If there is anything we can do--"

Startled by the sudden formality, the high school girl quickly shot down his claims and repeatedly reassured the father that it was no big deal... even though accompanying his son had caused her to stay out later than planned.

The girl knelt down to meet the little kid's height, "Take care now--" she spoke, smiling so gently and endearingly at him that it almost hypnotized the boy to never let her go, "-- don't go running off again, okay? You'll make others worry."

She dusted away the last bits of snow that had piled up on his head before standing up, bowing politely at the father of the little boy who stood a few steps away.

"Hopefully, we'll see each other again." And with that, she turned around and walked away. His teary eyes losing her within the ocean of people.


Okkotsu Yuuta sat on a chair in the middle of the empty classroom, his foot rocking the furniture back and forth as he stared at the closed lights embedded within the wooden ceiling.

A few days had passed since his classmates and teacher had departed to Shinjuku. And since the only first years left within the vicinity of the school were him and Maki Zenin, there was no use in arranging classes.

Thus, here Yuuta was: staring mindlessly at the ever so interesting lights that flickered on and off.

The culprit responsible the switching lights was, of course, none other than the Ghost of Jujutsu Tech.

She floated at the back of the small room, fiddling with the light switch which fascinated her so. Hanging around Inumaki's friends was better than wandering off on her own and possibly encountering someone above Grade A - sorcerer or not.

It isn't as if she was underestimating them or anything but... (Y/n) felt like her chances of survival would be higher if she stuck around these people.

Recently, fragments of her past had come rushing back to (Y/n). It wasn't like the first time where in it was triggered, this time... it was unexplainably different.

Flashes of who she was and people she had met had been haunting her for the past couple of days. Sometimes, they'd come as nostalgia... familiarity. Little everyday things that you'd often overlook made the memories flood her head like water released from an overflowing dam.

Naturally, all of those should've been wiped the moment her soul left her physical body.

It was easier that way.

If the mind didn't remember... then the heart wouldn't feel regret and the soul would be able to cross to the afterlife in peace.

But now, (Y/n) feared what was to come tomorrow or even the following week.

Why was she chasing her own self? Why did she feel as if she was she causing her own destruction?

Whatever the reason may be... it bothered her greatly.

────────────Who are those people? Are they still alive? Why am I suddenly remembering them?

Her head blocked out every other sense that she had. (Y/n) floated at the back of the room like a petrified statue, drowning in her own thoughts.

The yuletide breeze slipped through the open window and danced within the four corners of the room, sending unwanted chills down the spines of the only living person in the room.

Something wasn't right.

And the sight of (Y/n) forcibly being crushed by the weight of something that could not be seen was the sole proof of that. What more was that blood began to clot in the whites of her eyes and soon started to race down her cheeks like tears... blood that shouldn't even exist.


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