『 13: Farewell... surely, the two of us will meet again 』

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Clouds wandered outside of the dome that caged the academy from the rest of the world, not even a single lonely zephyr waltzed its way into the forcefully isolated institute for sorcerers. Sepia-tinted skies greeted the sight of Okkotsu Yuuta as he stood unmovingly from the spot he viewed his surroundings from. 

It made him sick. 

The young Shaman could not fathom why the people he and his classmates treasured so much kept getting hurt and threatened to be taken away. Why was Maki-san unconscious? Why was Panda not moving? Why was Inumaki on the verge of passing out?

Okkotsu's obsidian irises circled from his three friends: unmoving, beaten and battered to the ground. Panda laid at one corner, pummeled to the earth as he slipped in and out of his awareness. Maki had a broken foot, blood gushing out from the open wound on her stomach, staining the once grey concrete floors of the courtyard. Inumaki was laying on a pile of rubble, looking at him upside down and through half-lidded eyes, blood splattered all over the sides of his mouth and raced down his cheeks.

Even through the emotional and physical pain the Cursed-speech user felt, Yuuta saw the way Inumaki still choked out the words that tried to save his skin. "R... RUN..." 

Yuuta didn't understand why this had to happen, and he will never bring himself to understand. Because to him, no one deserved to be treated like this: to be disrupted of the peace you fight so stubbornly to keep, to be robbed of the things and the people you love and cherish the most. 

Not Maki, who only tried to be the best she could be despite not having the quality that society deemed was required of a Sorcerer. 

Not Inumaki, who only ever wanted to protect and stay with the one he loved the most. 

And most certainly not (Y/n) who only desired to make the most of what was left of her time. 

────────────I promised her... 


and I intend to keep it.



"Why... are you... doing this?" Through eyes that could barely see, (Y/n) breathed out her question. Her voice was loud and clear enough for Yuuta who had sat close to her to hear. His hands outstretched and hovered over the dissipating body of the ghost.

(Y/n) knew that she should have no hold on anything that occupied space and had volume, and the same rules applied to anything or anyone. She was untouchable. A phantom. 

Someone that could neither hold nor be held. 

It was a lonely and terrible feeling. To be able to see and hear, yet could not be heard nor seen. Someone who wanted to be held yet could not be grasped, to long for touch but is not able to hold.



The ghost had made it her daily habit to send glares and dirty looks to that boy any chance of the day that she could get. It all varied from glares of curiosity, dirty looks that had radiated that aura of 'I-feel-like-all-you're-ever-going-to-be-good-at-is-endangering-people-if-not-killing-them' to stares that overflowed with that staggering sense of wariness and anxiety.

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