『 12: Like a dream, the most beautiful girl he's ever seen~ 』

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thank you guys so much for your support!! this book (although I don't really update much and I keep changing stuff... I am also not very confident abt sum stuff here like the plot and my mediocre writing ><) is almost gonna reach 100k!! either way, imma say it here now bcz I might not get more chances... FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART, THANK YOU THANKK YOUU SOOO VERYY MUCH!! *bows deeply* 

you guys are awesome <33 *cries*


(Y/n) walked through the aisles of ceramics, observing the way they shone under the artificial lights of the department store, thinking maybe she should buy some as a gift for her mom... as a sorry for sneaking out and skipping school.

She approached a shelf full of vases, hoping to see something that might be eye-catching enough to distract her mother's wrath. The highschool girl looked to see if the little guy was still trailing behind her, only to find him hugging himself as he slowly walked in the middle of the aisle... cautious and afraid that he might accidentally slip and shatter the pieces if he walked any closer or faster.

(Y/n) silently laughed at his antics and patiently waited for him to successfully walk through the invisible obstacles.

As the little kid neared the place where she stood, his small hand grabbed onto hers. "Ne~" he called, squeezing her limb to get her attention.

"Hmm?" (Y/n) hummed in response, smiling so kindly at him as she held his hand as gently as she could.

The white-haired child pointed at the top of the shelf where a small white ceramic with black spots was displayed, housing a plastic succulent plant for additional appeal.

(Y/n) hummed in approval, "It looks pretty doesn't it?" Her gaze fell once again on the kid beside her, finding that he was already staring back at her.

He nodded in response, his scarf shifting as an indication that he was about to speak. "Nee-san pretty!"


Inumaki stared blankly at the vast cityscape before him. Littered across the land were skyscrapers, tall enough to touch the clouds that floated above humanity, somewhere inside him though... he doubted that any of those tall buildings - even when stacked above each other - would be able to fit Gojō and his ego and shelter him from rain and wind. People below him who scurried out and about trying to get to where they were going looked as if they were ants, easily crushed... easily killed.

────────────I wonder... what (Y/n) is doing...

The words his Panda classmate spoke to him went through one ear and out the other. Though thousands of sounds erupted from his surroundings, to Inumaki who was drowning in his own thoughts... it was as if his head was submerged in deep waters: muffled and nearly distorted.

────────────I hope that... she's okay...

His gaze landed on the darkening clouds above him, almost like it was water dyed with ebony. It seeped from one and to the other until not a single speck of silver could be made out. The sun shone wondrously behind them all, its rays stretching out as if to emphasize the magnificence that was set in front of it.

────────────I... I mi--

Inumaki's daydream was shattered as he felt a sudden tug at the back of his shirt. His mahogany irises darted around for the culprit responsible for interrupting him, only to find his blindfolded Sensei dragging not only him but Panda as well to an open area.

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