『 15: Because it's you... and it will always be you. 』

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i'm late :D research has been killing me for the past month, but thankfully... it is now summer break, I got a month and a half (at best) to finish all the things i wanna finish before i am at my last year of high school. sorry if you're messaging me and i am not replying, it is because i am really busy at the moment :{ i don't wanna make this note longer so i'll end it here.

READ MY GOJO BOOK PLS >< cuz it's kinda maybe sorta connected :D


"That Oompa Loompa messed up big time." From afar, a fairly tall woman stood amongst the shadows provided by the towering trees that encaged the Academy for Sorcerers. Her arms crossed over her chest as she dauntingly leaned against one of the trunks, looking down rather condescendingly at the shaman walking so carelessly and (not to mention) shamelessly around the institute. 

Everything about him struck a chord of annoyance in her, his laugh, his face, his hair... his attitude. Heaven's please give me a break.

The woman's intense gaze drifted from his form and moved towards the lone figure of the cursed-speech user lying on one of the shaded parts of the wide field she, herself, had roamed during once upon a time. The lady's glare softened at the sight of the shaman laughing so joyously at something no one other than him had heard. She found it so wonderfully beautiful... to find a heart that loves you, without asking for anything, but to be okay.

A lone breeze rustled the branches that had provided her cover, making the leaves fall similar to that of the first descent of snow on a lonely winter night. 

"I know you're there."

Once more, the woman's eyes drifted away from the two figures on the field. Her beautiful yet meticulously haunting gaze, went past her shoulder before it landed on the man situated at least two meters away from where she stood. 


Within her peripheral vision, she saw the way his chest heaved up and quickly raised her hand to prevent him from speaking her name, "I don't intend to stay long... I did what you had asked."

"The Kamisato girl had her memories burned," she leaned away from the trunk she rested upon and looked apathetically at the Principal who was once her teacher. "In the unlikely event that she does wake up," in the span of three painfully slow, small yet calculated steps, the woman had come face to face with the man who guided her throughout her miserable high school years, "know that the Kamisato girl will no longer be a threat." The smile that had managed to carve its way onto her face had no trace of life nor genuineness in it, it just reflected the seemingly endless void of emptiness that haunted her soul despite the many years that had gone by. "And no one will know that it was the Inumaki boy who nearly killed her either, just a little favor I need to pay back to that... fiend." Her head tilted ever so slightly in the direction of the shaman from her past, eyes turning colder than ice at the glimpse of him.

It was unclear what type of turmoil raged amidst the irises that belonged to the doll maker, his tinted glasses shielded whatever emotion managed to slip past that stern and serious personality of his. "You don't have to protect him anymore, you do realize that--"

"Oh but I do!" Her exclaim caused nearly a hundred birds to flock away from their nests to get away from the imminent danger. "You don't understand, sensei." The woman's optics mirrored the flames burning within her, anger, resentment and... guilt. "Just because Satoru was too much of a child to admit he was in the wrong all those years ago doesn't mean I will ever stop... I will never... I..." 

And all of a sudden, too many words had wanted to be said all at once, and too many memories resurfaced for her to remember.

"The Gojō Clan will not let go of me so easily," she covered up, looking away so suddenly to gaze at the treelines, "even after I almost killed the six-eyes and attempted to burn him on multiple occasions out of anger." Because that is just how they are... selfish liars and deceivers. She shook her head to rid of those moments of the past, they were better off buried there anyway, along with all the memories she once considered treasures. 

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