『 8: The Psycho Next Door 』

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Inumaki was true to his word and thankfully, (Y/n) was too... seeing as she was floating upside down along with multiple furnishings and stationaries surrounding her.

The scene of playing out in front of the disheveled Sorcerer looked as if it was taken straight out of The Conjuring or maybe even The Possession.

"INUMAKI-KUN!!" Her dull yet glinting eyes met his own, the rays of the setting sun passing through her wide smile.

Inumaki's heart thudded against his rib cage, like a frantic drummer hitting every snare and symbal as fast as he could. A smile of his own was etched upon his face at the sight of the Ghost just as every single thing levitating in the room got pulled back down by gravity.

His mahogany-tinted irises widened like cheese wheels, and in panic, the Shaman held out his hands and managed to catch a ceramic vase just as the furnishings rained from above and chorused a series of thuds and crashes which resonated within the eerie and silent hallways.

"... ehe uhm... oops."

The white-haired Sorcerer stared at the floating girl in shock as she sheepishly scratched the back of her head.



Multiple sets of footsteps approached the dazed Inumaki, still standing at the threshold of his room, holding the ceramic vase that was gifted to him by someone in the past.

"INUMAKI!" The booming voice of the Six Eyes cut through his classmates worried chatters. "ARE YOU HURT? OH MAN, YOUR FATHER'S GONNA KILL ME!"

The aforementioned Shaman was still processing the disaster that had and was occuring at the moment; staring at the vase in his hands, the mess that became of his room and at his classmates and teacher who were continuously trying to get a response out of him, and that sequence repeated for a few more times before his teacher finally snapped him out of it.

"Well, no use pondering over it now." The older Sorcerer glanced at what became of the room, not quite getting what could cause such a thing to occur.

"I'll get you some new furnishings tomorrow, in the mean time... you can stay at one of the rooms in the third year building, how's that sound? Good!" The blindfolded man cheered happily, not even waiting for his student to properly give an answer.

Gojō ushered Inumaki and his other students out and away from the crime scene. "You and your vase proceed on getting some shut-eye while I deal with what happened." Although their teacher had his eyes covered, the four first years could very much still feel his gaze linger upon each and every one of them.

"Don't worry!" He laughed, waving off the uneasy and skeptic stares his children were giving.

"I'm the strongest!"


Inumaki felt so out of place being in the boundary of Sorcerers that were considerably older and more experienced than him.

The hallways leading to this building was illuminated with little to no light, making it seem as if it was abandoned. Thankfully when Inumaki had stepped foot inside the structure, few strips of luminosity had managed to slip between the cracks of the closed doors providing - somewhat a nice reassurance that he wasn't completely alone in this creepy place.

A shrill sound bloomed within the confines of the room he was standing next to, the sound so aggravating that it caused a series of bangs and yells of protests to lower the noise down from the other students.

Inumaki shakily reached out for the cold knob, twisting it and letting the wooden plank drift open by itself making it emit an unsettling creaking sound.

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