『 7: Dreams often feel like memories 』

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It came rushing back to her... more so like a dream rather than a memory. The girl wasn't quite sure if it had actually occurred in her reality or the strings of her past had just knotted and formed whatever it was that had occupied her train of thoughts.

What was it?

What was so important about that particular moment in time that even after death... it kept chasing her?

Even now as she absentmindedly stared at the back of Inumaki's head while him and his classmates continuously threatened the poor transferee, her mind still couldn't quite decipher what it is.

And as she contemplated, a flash of white invaded her vision followed by the blinding lights of what seemed to be a distant memory.


Why was it always snow?

The bright lights of the city reflected the wonder swimming in the glistening eyes of the high school girl, walking amongst the sea of people under the starless sky.

She stared in awe, the endless chatter surrounding her sounded like music to someone who has never been in the heart of a city. The deafening honks and blares of the passing vehicles, excessive display of advertisements... it was just another night in Tokyo.

A cloud of mist formed in front of her reddening lips, hands rubbing against each other to create just a bit more warmth to get her through the cold weather.

────────────Is that... me?

(Y/n), or so she looked like, stood by the side of the road, waiting for the light by the pedestrian lane to turn green.

One by one, the red numbers ticked closer to zero. And it was as if fate wanted to play... the wonders of the season descended from the heavens, making a few stop in their tracks to behold the early gift of winter.

Through the smoke ejected by the last passing cars and the clicks and clacks of people's shoes upon the asphalt, her eyes found their way to those of a little kid just across the street.

His teary hues desperately looking for anyone or anything that looks familiar, tiny fingers curling around the fabric of his pants as he attempted to hide his head further into the comforts of his big scarf.

Pushing through the sea of people, the girl hastily made her way towards the lost child, slowing down ever so slightly once she neared him as to not startle the poor boy.

Kneeling down to meet his height, she spoke to him... her voice as gentle as when the first fall of snow gathered upon their heads.

"The snow is pretty, isn't it?"



(Y/n) snapped her eyes towards the front of the classroom, watching as the overly enthusiastic blindfolded teacher make jazz hands to make the situation look less... tense.

"So from here on out, we'll have four people in the first-year class! Isn't that great?"

'It's not so great if it's you who has to be around.' She thought, snarling secretly yet menacingly at the snow-colored head of Gojō Satoru.


(Y/n) blinked once.



And another time before her face finally flared up, rivaling that of an overripe tomato. "T-Too close!" Two more inches and her nose would've probably already been inside his face. "Shake."

Inumaki backed away and jutted his thumb towards the door, looking at her expectantly in case the Ghost was too dense to get the hint.

"Oh, w-we're leaving. Okay, I got it."

The Shaman raised an eyebrow at her, the gesture was obviously not sufficient as the floating girl didn't get the idea that he was asking her what was wrong. Well, no matter... he obviously has more chances to ask her once everything clears up.



(Y/n) cluelessly stared at his arms, held up in an 'x' position. "You want me to multiply or something? I was a bit of a math wiz when I was alive, if I do say so myself although I'm pretty sure I can't clone myself--"

She was then taken away from her own rambling by Toge walking towards the front of the room. The sound of the compressed powder making contact with chalkboard echoed within the empty space.

"You... can't... come... too... dangerous."

Inumaki wrote down the words he wanted to say as he stayed - back facing the ghost - and listened as she read every syllable he wrote down like some first-grader.

"Ghost... might... get... exercised?"

"Oh no, exorcised." She corrected, snorting loudly at her mistake before falling silent.

And as Inumaki finally turned his body to face her, he half expected (Y/n) to be teasing him and being obnoxious about the situation but the sight that met his eyes took him by surprise: a dazed figure of the floating Ghost.

"Ume?" He cautiously approached her, worried that a sudden disturbance would cause her to freak out.

The silence between the two odd beings stayed for a while, nothing new for Inumaki but for the Ghost? It's certainly something worth commemorating--

"Inumaki-kun... would you," (Y/n) took a deep breath unsure if her question would even be answered by the boy let alone be considered important enough to be acknowledged, but of course whatever his response was, she'd respect it. "You know what, nevermind."

(Y/n) shook her head in denial, her lips curving up as if trying to tell that everything was okay... but the distant look in her eyes showed otherwise. "Inumaki-kun can go do whatever it is that he was assigned to do, I'll be fine."

Toge stared as (Y/n) carved out that suspicious looking smile upon her face. It was very challenging for him to leave her be, given that she acting strangely towards the situation.

"I swear upon my life that I'll steer clear from trouble, so don't worry about me, okay?" She tried reassuring.

The white-haired shaman stared at her with squinted eyes, not fully trusting that she'll 'steer clear from trouble'. Nevertheless, he gave her a pat on the head, smiling kindly at her though she could not see it.

────────────I'll be back soon... I promise.

And with one last glance and a little wave from the Ghost, he was running down the halls with the Panda.

... I-- I don't... I don't wanna... leave you...

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