『 19: To you who I love, Mr. Shake Sushi 』

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To my beloved, Mr. Shake Sushi

How are you? Are you doing well?

If you've read this already before I'm 'officially' out of your sight forever, then... that's awkward. Anyway, that's not really the point here.

The reason why I wrote you this letter is because...

I'm scared.

What happened with Yuuta-san and Rika-chan just shook something in me, like a big 'oh no' in my heart and soul.

When I watched her dissolve into dust, I came to a realization that maybe... sooner rather than later, that'll happen to me too.

I know and I have this feeling that some people don't want me lingering around... and something in my gut tells me that I won't be sticking around much for longer as well.

I'm scared.


I'm afraid that I'm going to have to leave you at a time when I don't want to.

I don't want to leave you!

I want to stay with you for a very long time!

After all, I... am at the happiest when I am with you.

I was happy... because of you.

And if ever... that the time when I have to leave comes, please don't try too hard to save me, okay?


I don't want to see you giving your all for someone who's already at death's doorstep... for me who's already long gone and beyond the hands of saving.

Don't give your all for me, Toge-kun... fight for the people that are still around you. Give your all to those that you can still protect.

Because the way I see it, no matter how much we want it... no matter how badly we want to reject the future ahead of us.

Some stories... just don't have a happy ending.

If only I could... I'd take every memory of me that you have and bring it all to the afterlife. Because... I don't want to leave you with pain and hurt in your heart... the last thing I'd want is for you to be sad.

So... It's okay.

It's okay, Toge-kun... if you forget me.

It's okay... if you don't think about me at all.

I won't mind.

I won't get angry.

Because all my hopes for you is that... you'll be happy. That you'll still be able to smile the way you did when you were with me. Believe me when I say that if I could do it all over again... I would.

And this time... I promise you that I'll do it right.

Take care of your friends, Toge-kun... especially that troublemaker Yuuta!

And take care of yourself.

You deserve to be happy.

Thank you for putting up with me, Mr. Shake Sushi!!

Thank you for being my friend.

A million times over, thank you.

I love you.

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