『 16: If beauty were time, then she would have been eternity 』

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idk if i did a good job >< 


The bright lights of the city reflected the wonder swimming in the glistening eyes of the high school girl, walking amongst the sea of people under the starless sky.

She stared in awe, the endless chatter surrounding her sounded like music to someone who has never been in the heart of a city. The deafening honks and blares of the passing vehicles, excessive display of advertisements... it was just another night in Tokyo.

A cloud of mist formed in front of her reddening lips, hands rubbing against each other to create just a bit more warmth to get her through the cold weather.

(Y/n) stood by the side of the road, waiting for the light by the pedestrian lane to turn green. 

One by one, the red numbers ticked closer to zero. And it was as if fate wanted to play... the wonders of the season descended from the heavens, making a few stop in their tracks to behold the early gift of winter.

Through the smoke ejected by the last passing cars and the clicks and clacks of people's shoes upon the asphalt, her eyes found their way to those of a little kid just across the street. The little kid she would soon meet nearly ten years into the future. 

His teary hues desperately looking for anyone or anything that looks familiar, tiny fingers curling around the fabric of his pants as he attempted to hide his head further into the comforts of his big scarf. 

Pushing through the sea of people, the girl hastily made her way towards the lost child, slowing down ever so slightly once she neared him so as to not startle the poor boy.

Kneeling down to meet his height, she spoke to him... her voice as gentle as when the first fall of snow gathered upon their heads.

"The snow is pretty, isn't it?"

The little boy's vibrant violet eyes looked up to meet (Y/n)'s, a cruel fate soon dawning upon them.

"I'm (Y/n)! What's your name?" 

And even through the pitter-patter of shoes and the seemingly endless noise of the city, her heart had heard the name of the boy she meet too soon, yet at the same time... too late.

"Inumaki Toge."


(Y/n) walked through the aisles of ceramics, observing the way they shone under the artificial lights of the department store, thinking maybe she should buy some as a gift for her mom... as a sorry for sneaking out and skipping school.

She approached a shelf full of vases, hoping to see something that might be eye-catching enough to distract her mother's wrath. The high school girl looked to see if the little Inumaki was still trailing behind her, only to find him hugging himself as he slowly walked in the middle of the aisle... cautious and afraid that he might accidentally slip and shatter the pieces if he walked any closer or faster.

(Y/n) silently laughed at his antics and patiently waited for him to successfully walk through the invisible obstacles.

As the little kid neared the place where she stood, his small hand grabbed onto hers. "Ne~" he called, squeezing her limb to get her attention.

"Hmm?" (Y/n) hummed in response, smiling so kindly at him as she held his hand as gently as she could.

The white-haired child pointed at the top of the shelf where a small white ceramic with black spots was displayed, housing a plastic succulent plant for additional appeal.

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