『 10: An ocean of amber 』

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As the rays of the sun peeked from the towering skyscrapers of Tokyo, an odd resonance of silence met Inumaki as his eyes opened to stare at the ceiling.

For some reason, the colors taking up his vision looked more vibrant. It was as if the sun melted right in this very room he was residing in, splashing everything in its wake with hues not even the greatest of artists can think of.

His daydream was then disrupted by a curtain of fading (h/c) tresses obstructing his vision, his hazy mahogany-tinted eyes tilted to meet the Ghost's fading (e/c) hues.

"Ne... Inumaki-kun," she cheekily smiled at him from above... her face flipped upside down from his point of view. "Would you be willing to switch professions and be an astronaut and your wage would be... let's see..." (Y/n) teasingly tapped her forefinger on her chin and pretended to think, "ten million and then they'll assign you to land on the sun but then you would still be okay since you'll be wearing sunblock--"

Before (Y/n) could make his head spin out and off his neck so early in the morning, Inumaki rose from his position and hopped onto his feet. His face passing through hers sending a cold shiver down his spine, more so when his limbs made contact with the freezing wooden floorboards.

The Ghost's manic laughter echoed within the four wooden walls at his reaction as her figure continue to float around aimlessly. For the next passing moments, (Y/n) stayed in her own little world; snickering at every little thing and probably reminiscing of times buried deep in the past.

Toge stared at her reflection in the mirror: (Y/n)'s figure nearly blending in with the surroundings if not for the scattering light which distinguished her from the rest of the undead.

It was as if (Y/n), herself, was turned into a hundred-sided prism; she openly reflected every single color she had to offer and Inumaki... was more than glad to have painted his world with them.

────────────Why... can't she remember?

A part of him was relieved and yet... another was wary. Not even a week had passed and still, (Y/n) showed no hints that she could recall what had occurred. Kamisato had not woken up either even after countless of physicians had examined her. Though her fall wasn't that fatal nor was her coalition with the wall deadly, the doctors still diagnosed her as: 'comatose'.

No one knew of what truly transpired that night... all that Gojō Satoru stated was that the third year Kamisato Akaya was found unconscious outside the dormitory for unknown reasons.

The thought of Inumaki throwing the third year forceful enough for her to go through a wall didn't even cross anyone's mind. Why would they even associate the cursed-speech user with violence in the first place?

As far as anyone was concerned, the white-haired first year couldn't even hurt a fly.

It seemed as though his little fight with that pompous woman had never occurred - no - it was more like the people who had been caught up in that mess was silenced to secrecy.

Which brought him to question...

How did (Y/n) loose her memories?

Was she hiding some sort of power? Or... was she silenced as well?

But how?

Taking her recollection of that event would mean that the person responsible for it could see her.

That person... was capable of taking her away.

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