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you choose

「 open the window so that changbin could come in 」


cw // fluff :3

i rubbed both of my eyes as i checked myself on the mirror .

the circles under my eyes weren't that subtle . i just hoped changbin won't notice .

i stepped closer to the window and opened it only to found changbin was ready to throw pebbles from the other side .

i looked at him in confusion .

" what do you want ?"

he didn't answer . instead , he climbed out of his window .

i was about to shout at him when he put his index finger on his own lips , shutting me up .

i pressed my lips into thin line . standing there speechless as i waited for changbin's next move .

from his own window , he climed up on the tree and finally landed inside my room .

" changbin wtf are you- "

he covered my mouth as he shushed me .

" here "

he said as he handed me a packet of bread out of his pocket .

" kino told me you had a fight with yesuh "

i groaned .

" won't kino just mind his own business ?!"

changbin chuckled .

" hey , everyone's worried about you , you know . atleast please eat something or you'll get sick "

" i'm totally fine binnie . it was just a simple fight we had every day "

changbin sighed softly .

" do you think you could hide it from me ?"

i was stunned when changbin cupped both of my cheeks using his hands .

" you cried , didn't you ?"

he said as he gently caressed the circles underneath my eyes with his little thumbs .

he pulled me into his arms .

ah .

i felt it again .

this secured and safe feelings as if he was always there to protect me .

" b-binnie.."

" shh it's fine . everything's fine . you're doing a good job "

one of his arm was gently rubbing my backs while the other was stroking my head softly .

i let out a soft whimper as i was holding back my tears from falling down again .

" it's okay yebin . let it out . i know it has been so hard for you . you held it by your own this whole time and you're so strong . i'm proud of you , yebin "

at last , i broke down in his arms . i cried my heart out that night just like all the other nights .

but the only difference is , changbin was with me the whole time that night , whispering nothing but sweet words .

i fell asleep in his arms after good times of crying .

he made sure my blanket was tucked in neatly over me so that i won't caught a cold .

to all the boys i've loved before  | stray kidsWhere stories live. Discover now