han jisung

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dear sungie ,

how long has it been since we last talked to each other ? if that time before the incident counts , it definitely has been a whole month .

i miss you . i truly miss you , ji .

how couldn't i ? you're the only friend i've got yet i'm also surprised you still didn't leave me .

i'm so sorry . i'm so sorry my ego is holding me back from apologizing to you when my heart was crying for you .

it has been 7 years ji . and i'm still counting . regardless of our situation right now .

why am i being so heartbroken for ? i'm your best friend . i should be happy you have someone you like .

moreover it's yena . the most popular girl in class .

but why ? my heart crashed at the thought of you kissing me while imagining her .

because that kiss was something . i felt something in that kiss . i developed my feelings for you in that kiss .

maybe i did like you , but i keep denying it because i'm afraid of losing you . losing our friendship . losing my only friend .

you were always there for me sung . nonetheless it was during hard time or happy time . you were always there by my side .

maybe sometimes you were annoying and so loud that i thought i'm gonna unadopting you .

but sometimes , your personality is the one that everyone fell for . including myself .

you're so kind and soft , sung . moreover you have a cute cheeks ! i would definitely going to miss pinching that chubby cheeks of yours .

regardless of all my regrets , i felt thankful and grateful for you . for being the only one i have . for being by my side this whole time . for cheering me up through my ups and downs .

for being my first kiss and for making that kiss felt fantastic .

it may sound weird and gross but i missed that lips on on top of mine .

yikes . it is gross :')

lastly , i would definitely told you this . well at least only in this letter though .

i may or may not have developed a tiny crush on you for an amount of time . but don't worry . it was a long time ago and i had move on . goodluck with yena ! i'm supporting you . i'm your bestfriend after all .

lots of love ,

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