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the fifth letter is for hwang hyunjin .

the typical popular boy everyone would love .


i ran fast towards the school cafeteria . dragging jisung with me . hoping that the infamous vegetable cookies didnt sold out yet .

i huffed . searching for air as the run tired me out .

"au-aunty ! on-one piece of vege-"

"sorry dear , your favourite surprisingly sold out this morning ."

i was lost . still not believing her words .

how could there be anyone other than me who loves vegetable cookies ?!

i walked slumply towards jisung .

"woah there . your infamous cookie just sold out ?!"

i nodded without a word .

"come on . cheer up yebin . there's other food left ."

"but there's no vegetable cookies ."

we walked out of the cafeteria with disappointed looks on our face .

as i walked along the school hallway like a souless zombie , i bumped into someone .

"i-i'm sorry ! i wasn't-"

my eye landed on the bag of cookie the girl was holding .

"th-the cookie !!"

the girl looked up at me .

"you mean this ? ah , hyunjin was treating his class cause he won the last basketball tournament ."

i slurped as soon as i noticed i was drooling .

"sung !! we need to go to hwang hyunjin !!"

jisung whined .

"do we have to go this far ? it's just a cookie-"


jisung decided to just follow his girl friend .

* * *

" um , hello . we're here for hwang hyunjin . is he available ?"

the whole class which were gathering around hyunjin turned towards the front door .

" yes ? "

" u-um , can we talk outside ? p-privately ?"

the crowd started to whisper to each other .

" bet another confession ."

" does that mean he received four confessions today ?"

" yeah and he rejected all of them ."

"damn he sure is the heartthrob of the school ."

as soon as he came out , i pushed jisung forward .

to all the boys i've loved before  | stray kidsWhere stories live. Discover now