Rotton, Wicked, Barbaric, Ass Chapter 4

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My vision slowly starts to clear. Three blurry silhouettes come in to view.

"Tubbo move out of the way, you're practically dragging her!"

"Tommy calm down he is just trying to help. Tubbo go run ahead and tell eret we found her, and get a cot ready. She might be out for a while."

My eyes close pulling me back into the inevitable and waiting darkness.

"Ughh. Why the fuck is it so bright in here." I complain, trying to cover my eyes as they have yet to adjust to the harsh light shinning through the infirmary windows.

"Oh (Y/N)! Thank god. Fundy go find Tommy and tell him his sister is up!"

"Of course, right away sir. Uhhhh do you know where I could find him sir." Fundy responded to Wilbur, addressing him formally

That's weird we all normally just call him Will inside the walls.

"Check the sparring ring, he's probably still practicing with Tubbo." Fundy left in search for my brother.

"(Y/N) how are you feeling, can I get you anything? Oh god (Y/N) we were all so worried about you when you didn't come home last night. You scared me to death! And I wanted to say I'm so so-," I cut off Wilbur's rambling.

"Will how long was I unconscious. And what exactly do Tommy and Tubbo need to practice fighting for?" Wilbur's muscles tended at my last question.

"Wel you were unconscious for two days. While you were...out, things escalated with Dream. We got a telegram." My eyes shot up at the bastard's name, partly from fear and surprise.

"Why? What did it say?"

"Uhmm" Will ran his hand through this thick, slightly overgrown curls. A tick he does when he's stressed. "It-it was a declaration. A declaration of war. He said he wants complete control over our land. He doesn't like how strong and fast we are growing. He said that if I don't surrender our nation tomorrow by dawn, then he's going to burn L'manburg to the ground. And us with it."

An unpleasant memory I have buried into the deep corners of my mind crawled to the surface. My parents, dead, my childhood home, up in flames. My best friend, abandoned. I shuddered at the memory, pushing it away, along with the pain it caused. New and angry passion boiled beneath my skin. "I will not let that happen." Not again. As I said that, Tommy walked through the door.

"Tommy, gather the others and tell the to meet in the caravan. We have some planning to do."
"...From the hto dog van we shall prevail. Livery, justice and the pursuit of victory."

Whoooo yeah! Come on guys every one sign it."

"For L'manburg!"

"That was very well written Will."

We lined up to sign our Declaration of Independence.


Wilbur Soot

Our brief celebration was interrupted by a sudden thumping on the vans walls. We were being shot at. All of us rushed to the tinted windows. Watching as arrows whizzed buy. Stood atop our walls was the dream. Two of his soldiers, George and Sapnap flanked his sides. Tommy rushed out the door to confront our attackers.

"Tommy no! stay here." I grabbed for his wrist.  He shrugged me off already half way out the door. Wilbur followed suit.

"(Y/N), keep everyone else inside. Me and Tommy are going to have a little chat with our visitors." He told me before he shut the door behind him.

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