Safe Chapter 10

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Wilbur's Pov

Tommy and I walk the path, Walking away from our safe haven, L'Manburg.

"I'll kill him Will, I'll do it. The next time I see that green bastard, I swear to God I-"

"Calm down Tommy we are only speaking with the man. I hope you didn't bring any weapons."

"No, I didn't," the boy sounded genuinely disappointed as he kicked a rock to the dirt.

"Good." We walk for mere minutes until we get intercepted by the tyrant.

"Hello boys."

"Dream," We respond in unison. 

"Based on your futile efforts, I'm guessing you are here to make peace arraignments?"

"I'd say we fought well." Pride laces my words.

"Sure, I'd say that. You had such a big disadvantage-"

Tommy chimes in, "Dream don't say that. We fought incredibly, You egotistical green," He doesn't get to finish his sentence.

"You fought incredibly well, we just fought a little bit better."

"Dream you, you know what! Why don't we fight right now? Why don't we one vs. one?"

"Tommy. Tommy, Tommy calm." My demand was overshadowed with the boys' devoted words. "Tommy your passion will get you nowhere."

He continued talking, "you self obsessed son of a bitch. You've blown up all of our shit Dream, so what do you have to loose. Let's do it, let's one vs. one. Alright? I don't care!"

(Y/N) Pov

I wake up, groggy but the birds chirp and the sun rays grace my face. I stretch my arms and my shoulders, and let out a deep sigh. It feels good to be in my own bed, to be wrapped by my own blankets and to rest my head on my own pillow. It's familiar. Safe.

My feet touch the ground as I swing my legs over the edge of the bed. I look out the window of my small home. Niki is on the wall, working gate watch, Tubbo and Fundy are clearing the rubble from the explosion, and Tommy and Wilbur are, nowhere to be found. 

Not bothering to shut it, I walk out the door. My pace quickens as I search L'Manburg. I can't seem to find them anywhere. 

"Hey Niki! Do you know where the boys went?" 

"Wilbur and Tommy? Yeah, I let them through a few hours ago. They should be getting back fairly soon." 

"Any chance you know where they went?"

"To talk with Dream," She asnwers timidly. 

"Do you happen to know what for?" I try to ask as calmly as possible, not wanting to let my wrath out on this poor girl. After all she is only the messenger. 

"Well after the explosion, Wilbur saw taht it was our only option, Surrender, that is." 

"What?" The word comes out of my mouth sharp, ready to slice. "Why the hell was I not included in this decision? I was behind enemy lines; I could have important information to help us win!" I don't but that's not the point. "We can't give up to him!" My chest moves up and down rapidly after the small rant. "Do you, know, where they, went?" My words were short, to the point. 

"Uhm, well, see, the thing is..." 


"Wilbur wouldn't tell me where they were going just in case you woke up and wanted to follow him there to try to stop the surrender," she said all in one breath. 

"Ugh!" I scream "What the hell Will!" The second I said his name, Will called for Niki's help. 

"Niki! Would you be a dear and open the gate for us?" 

Flustered at the nickname, she hurriedly pulls the lever that lifts the gate open. "Yes sir, right away sir!" 

I look towards the growing crack in the wall, arms crossed, and foot tapping furiously, waiting. 

The wall is moving particularly slow today but finally is opens far enough to show the faces of the young men before me. One, a practiced, composed expression. The other is fuming. 

"Well would you speak of the devil." 

"Goodmorning (Y/N). Now's really not the time for one of your upsets. You tommy and I, to your place, now. 

It's been unanimously decided that my house has taken the role of the caravan's. It's now the main meeting spot for important announcements and serious discussions. This however seems to be the latter of the two.  

I walk in first and Tommy last, slamming the door shut behind him. His fist are curled into balls at his sides. I can almost see the steam spewing from his ears. 

"Would you like to tell me what the hell you were thinking. Taking my brother out there with him, again? Without even telling me!"

"Listen (Y/N) you needed sleep, after all you've been through you can't expect me to wake you up at the crack of down for something as little as this." 

"Don't give me that bullshit." 

"Fine, do you know what I was trying to protect you. I didn't want you going outside the walls to protect you, I kept you here away from him, to protect you, I'm giving up all of this," His arms reach out motioning to everything around him, "All to protect you." 

"Yeah, well, I didn't ask you to!" I say, not exactly knowing how to respond. 

"I know. Listen this isn't really the time to speak about that. There is something we have to tell you. You might want to sit down." The mood was too serious for our fight, ending it when he spoke. He pulls two chairs from the dining table, offering one to me then taking the other to sit in for himself. 

"When we went to talk with Dream, let's just say things got pretty heated."

"I'll say," Tommy muttered under his breath. 

Worry enveloped me. With how furious I was with Will I never even check to see if they were okay. "Are you two alright? Did he hurt you?" 

"No, no nothing like that. Tommy and him just said a few things."

"Tommy? What did you say?" I asked, apprehensive. 

He looked up from the spot of the ground he was staring at. "We are having a duel, whoever shoots the other first wins." My brother looks the most mature then he's ever been. He looks so, resolved. 

The blood drains from my face as soon as I notice how determined he is about this. "Tommy, you can't be serious." 

No smirk, no playful laugh, no give away. this is final.

"Tommy, he'll kill you!" I don't notice the tears start to formulate until it's too late. "Tommy," Anguish fills my heart. 

I turn to Wilbur, "Dream couldn't have seriously agreed to this. He's only a child." Pleading I say, "Please Will, stop it, You have the power, the rank, you can stop it for me, please." 

"It's his decision (Y/N). I can't just strip him of his rights. I can't be like him," he looks down at the ground, no doubt apawled at the thought. 

My knees hit the floorboards as I sink towards the gorund. This can't be happening. 

"When," I whisper. 

"Tonight, at dusk." 

I let out a whimper, "So soon." 

The next thing I say, I make sure it's in my head. Just enough time to stop it. 

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