"Oh Fuck off" Chapter 2

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Eight years later
I can hear the door swing open and look up from my hiding spot, to find the occupant of the dark oak house leaving his home, unguarded.

"Finally," I say to myself. Now is the perfect time. Just as the door is about to close I swiftly stick out my foot, stopping it from locking us out.

I started to signal to my partners in crime that the coast was clear, but soon realized that they were too busy chasing bees.

I rolled my eyes, giving up on the signal I simply yelled over to them, "TOMMY, TUBBO! Get over here you'll ruin our cover!" And this is exactly why I work alone, I thought to myself.

"(Y/N), I told you, I go by big crime now!" said tubbo with a sad expression because I ruined their fun.

"Ah yes, I don't know no tubbo! All I know is big crime!!" I hear my brother shout in defense, backing up our light hearted friend's code name.

Ugh why did Wilbur make me drag these two along.

"Just come on, Punz left, let's get in and get out alright? Remeber what I taught you two, don't touch anything you're not going to take, and if you get caught... well run like hell"

"Wow thanks for the great pep talk sis, really motivates me to steal shit." Tommy responds, rolling his eyes, with heavy sarcasm his voice.

The three of us walk in to our enemy's house, and sneak straight to the chest room.

"Ok, tubbo you get whatever you need for your potions, and Tommy, try to find as many ender pearls as you can," I order the two. They nod, going off to find they're respected items while I search the various chests for weapons and armor.
"Hahaha! Tommy you- you should have seen your- face! You were so scared!" I breathe out, barley able to form a coherent sentence because of how much I was laughing.

"Hey! How was I supposed to know Punz kept a bloody horse in his house!! I was just surprised that's all!" He argues back angry at the fact that he was frightened by such a harmless animal.

The three of us continued our playful banter while walking on the wooden path back to our home from a surprisingly successful mission.
It's been 8 years since my family was killed, and village burned to the ground. On the run, Tommy and I found a new family. Philza, our adoptive father, Technoblade, and Wilbur. Ever since, Tommy and Wilbur met they have been best buds, they clicked instantly. I was happy that Tommy had a good big-brother figure to look up too but I was still very overprotective of him. I'm 19 now, (AN: all of the characters will keep their real ages) me, Tommy and Wilbur live in a nation we built with our friends called, L'manburg.

We stand for peace and freedom and have made a name for ourselves. This has brought unwanted attention from the tyrant ruler of the land surrounding us, Dream.

When he found out about the creation of our great nation he wasn't too happy, leaving us enemies with one of  the most powerful and feared men in the world. I shiver at the thought, though I have never met him, his name can make me shake in fear.
"(Y/N)! You're back! I'm guessing the mission was a success?" Fundy says snapping me out of my train of thought.

"Yep, I even managed to snatch you some extra berries on the way out," I say to my fox friend, tossing him a satchel filled to the brim with sweet berries.

"Welcome back guys," Eret nods to us after opening up the gates to L'manburg, his black glasses reflecting a harsh light back into our eyes.

"Oh (Y/N) by the way, Wilbur wants to see you in the caravan ASAP," Fundy informs me with half the bag of berries already in his mouth.

I nod to him, walking over to the van. As I'm walking over to see Will, I look around enjoying the peaceful sight of our L'manburg.

I make my way up to the door, to find Wilbur, pacing back and forth in the potion room.

"Hey Will, I heard you wanted to see me?"

"Ah yes, (Y/N). I'm worried about the safety of L'manburg. Dream grows more viscous at the minute the more we grow stronger. I don't want worry the others, but I trust you. Make sure everyone is kept inside the safety of our walls, I don't want anyone going outside our borders until after the war is won."

"But Will, what about tubbo, Tommy, and I. We live outside L'manburg. We can't just abandon our homes." I whine in response to Will's suggestion. I couldn't just leave my home behind, I could take care of myself without having to be kept up behind walls.

Wilbur, snaps.

"(Y/N), we are gonna have to make sacrifices if we want to win this. Learn to grow up and deal with them. I am no longer asking, as your president, I am ordering you to stay inside these walls!"

At first I was completely stunned. I wasn't sure how to react.

I've never seen him like this before. Then I felt fury rage inside me, I mean sure he was our president, but he never used that power to control us against our free will! He is acting like everything we are fighting against.

I shake my head in disgust.

"Go to hell Will. I don't care about your stupid orders." I yell at him and start storming out of the van.

I can't be near him right now. I need to get some space from him.

As I turn I feel a set of cold fingers wrap around my wrist, keeping me in my spot.

"And where the hell do you think you're going?" He says in a low growl, this is not the Wilbur I grew up with.

"The hell away from you," I respond truthfully.

I need to get out. I need to get out. Get me out.

I feel his grip falter from my wrist. I look back to find him looking down, probably coming out of his haze of anger, realizing the lines he has just crossed.

I almost feel bad for being so harsh towards him, almost.

"I-i'm so sorry (Y/N). Please forgive me, I don't know what came over me." He says, stumbling over his words as they come out, "I'm just trying to keep everyone safe, to keep you safe."

"Oh fuck off," I mutter, before storming out of the van.

I storm past the others, confusion obvious on their faces. They probably heard the whole thing, but I don't really care what they think right now.

I am almost out the gates but I am still close enough to to hear when Wilbur cursed under his breath, in obvious regret.


AN: Ahhh there is tension between (Y/N) and Wilbur!! What do you guys think will happen???

I have big plans for the next chapter😏😏

everyone remember to drink and eat something today, YOU ARE LOVED ;)

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