Broken Promises Chapter 6

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Chaos erupted.

The walls started to spread apart and from the new tunnels came three men, clad in netherite armor.  I felt the rise and fall of Eret's chest as he breathed into my ear, "It was never meant to be." It was nearly a whisper, but I could hear it loud and clear.

I shuddered. This was all my fault. Anger rolled off my body as I swiftly kicked in Eret's right kneecap. He howled in pain and I used this distraction to free myself from his hold. I turned and quickly snatched the sword from his belt before he could recover.

Before Eret led us all to our demise, he told us to leave all our weapons and armor behind, saying "It would make things easier." Yeah easier for the Dream team to jump us! Fundy, Tubbo, Wilbur and Tommy were utterly defenseless against them. I flung myself at George. He was approaching Tubbo, who was cornered between him and an obsidian wall.

"Leave him alone!" He whirlled around just in time to block my attack. "Tubbo get out of here!" George then took the offensive postition, swipping for my ungaurded lower half. His blade bit into my skin. The gash was deep enough that I would need to sticht it up later. That is if I get out of this alive. I couldn't resist a glance to see if my brother was ok. What I saw was not at all what i hoped for. Fundy was already knocked out cold while Will and Tommy were desperatly trying to fight off Dream. Their chances, of course, weren't looking too good. It was a 2 versus 1 but Dream really knew his way around an axe.

My eyes diverted from the trio in search for Sapnap. My search was abruptly inturupeted when a large strong arm hooked around my neck from behind. Well, now I know where Sapnap is. I tried clawing free, scratching at his heavily, armored, limb that was holding me in place.

A tall, lean figure stalked towards us. He was blocking the majority of the light in the room making him appear as a silhouette. But the way he approached gave him away. Dream walked tall and took lazy yet confident steps. Wait if Dream was walking over too me and Sapnap, then that meant he was no longer fighting Tommy and Will. I struggled even harder at this realization, trying to get a glimpse of my brothers behind Dream. I clawed and kicked with as much power as I could to get free. "What the hell did you do to them Dream!" I thrashed my head back hoping to harm Sapnap in any way possible to be free. I managed to hit him in the nose. He grunted and lifted a hand to check his injuries, which i prayed were at least semi-permanent. To my dismay, he quickly recovered and grabbed me harder.

He laughed without humor. "Oh you're a feisty one aren't you! Hasn't your mother ever told you?" His voice lowered as he said into my ear, "Actions have consequences. Try a little stunt like that again and I'll be happy to show you just what those are."

I exhaled sharply through my nose. I was in no way closer to getting to my brothers. I turned to see his face, which to my content had a little blood trickling down it from my previous blow. "Oh please. You couldn't even if you tried."

"Why don't we find that out?" He grinned, happy someone was challenging him. We glared at each other a couple seconds more until a terribly familiar voice interrupted our silent battle.

"As much as i would like to see Sap get his ass handed to him, I have many things I would like to get done today. So if you two are almost done, I would like to accomplish what i came here to do." his gaze now fixed on me.

"Let me go."

He walked closer too me, the hairs on my arms pointed up at his sudden nearness.

"Now why would I want to do that, hmm?" Dream then extended his hand to tuck away a strand of stray hair that dangled in front of my eyes. I jerked my head away from the gesture. "Don't touch me." I glared at him, disgusted by his unwelcome gesture. Who the hell does he think he is?

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