Duel Chapter 11

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All the boys are speaking to Tommy, preparing him for the fight of his life.

I hear snippets of conversation, "Do I shoot him Will, or do I aim for the skies?"

"Tommy, I want you to do whatever your heart says too do." My little brother grips his bow tighter, a verdict set in stone.

I rush past them, moving along the shadows, fighting back the wave of tears threatening to return. I look up the watch tower on the wall. Stationed right where we planned is Niki. I giver her the signal to open the gate a crack, and she does not disappoint.

"I owe you one, " I whisper, yell once I am on the other side. I look up to the setting sun. I Have about an hour until dusk. I break into a light jog, picking up the pace to Dream's base. I think back to remember the path Tubbo and Fundy took me on while helping me escape. I never thought I would willingly try to make my way back there again. But, here we are.

The cold breeze pinches my cheeks as the heat from the sun's rays dissipates.

I slow my tread, reaching the multi-wood path. "Hello? Dream?" I question out loud. Hearing no response I yell again. "Dream I need to talk to you."

"Aye it's our good ole pal, (Y/N)," I hear the British voice say.

"Miss us already?" Sapnap stitches the two sentences together, speaking right after his companion.

"I need to speak with Dream." Noticing their lack to sense of urgency in my tone, I add, "Now."

The man we speak of, steps out from behind the broad shouldered man baby.

"Hello Dream."

"Angel, I was worried you'd never come back," The masked man says. I hear the sarcastic pout in his voice. His defenses are up, this is going to be harder then trying to convince the lighthearted, carefree Dream I met while traveling in the woods.

"Dream, you cant seriously be making jokes at a time like this!"

"Who said I was joking?"

"You can't seriously be thinking of following through with this"

"Remind me, what are we speaking of again?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about."

"Oh come on you can't really expect me to me to read you mind now Angel," he draws his sword. I take a step back in response, only to realize he's using it as a cane to rest his weight on.

"You. My brother. A duel. Ring any bells for you?"

"Which one of those rebelling rats is your brother again?"


"Oh that blonde one, right? Yeah I'm serious."

"He is a kid for Christ's sake!"

"What is he 15? He can make his own decisions. After all I was creating a whole Kingdom, on my own, at his age," His wildly untamed ego graces my presence.

"You can't go through with this. Everyone knows you have better aim then him."

"Jeez, have a little faith, (Y/N). Isn't your own brother we're speaking of?"

"Dream, you better call this off, right now. Please, if not for him, then at least for me." I think back to all those moments I was around him, how he seemed to almost care, for me! I beg the gods that his concern for me is not one of my own creation, trying to make the best of my situation in captivity.

"I'm afraid I can't do that."

My heart sinks to the bottom of my stomach, like a rock drowning in the river bed. I was stupid to ever think that Dream would care for anything but his own personal gain.

"If me winning this duel gets my L'Manburg, then so be it! I don't care how many people I have to take down in the process." The pain I'm feeling inside must not be very well masked because he says, "Are you hurt? Did you really think that I would choose you over my own agenda? Over my family? You are nothing but a pawn to me. Betrayal. It burns doesn't it?"

Heartache and realization settles in after hearing his hateful words. He didn't betray me. I betrayed him.

Did he really feel something for me? Were his gentle touches and caring acts not just a ploy to win me over to his side and use me against L'manburg?


"I don't want to hear it." He turns his head, speaking to the two behind him. "Come on boys, it's rude to be late."

He walks towards me, a step away, "Excuse us,"

Shock and despair overwhelms me, paralyzing my limbs, preventing my limbs from moving upon request. Then anger, pure raw anger flows through my veins. "No. I won't let you." I start walking towards him, not quite knowing what I plan to do, but I do not falter.

"Sap," he looks at the ground when he says his friends name, a command.

"Copy," The heavy weighted man swiftly subdues me. Forcing me into the doors, locking them behind me. my body slumps to the ground, head resting on the door, and cry.

I sit there, for I don't know how long. But soon enough the sun sets, and I already know, what's been done.

Tommy's Pov

Sweat beads down my temple as angst and anticipation fills my body.

"One, two, three, four." I take, four in count steps forward. My mind flashes to memories of the war. Singing with my compadres around the fire, sparring with my best friend, the destruction of my home, Eret's betrayal. I draw my bow at the sound of his next words."Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten paces fire." Out of the corner of my eye Wilbur's hand swishes in a downward arc, signaling for me to turn.

Everything happens so fast.  I fire first, missing. I jump into the shallow water off of the infamous path, barley missing Dream's flame arrow. I fire a gain, to no avail, I miss. I have one shot left, he has two. I have to make my next shot sparingly. My arm pulls the string back. I aim, arrow notched in place.

"Hahaha!" All I hear a sadistic laugh, a laugh of sweet relief, before the pain shoots through my body. I drop into the water, seeing red.



Hey everyone! Spectral here! Just wanted to thank everyone for reading and voting and supporting my story. It means so much to me and helps me write more for you.

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