The Perfect Pawn Chapter 7

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I wake up dizzy and with a headache. I keep my eyes closed to slow the pounding in my head. I stretch my arms and legs. 

Warmth covers me from head to toe. Why am I so comfortable? I open my eyes to find myself in a queen sized bed, covered in a huge comforter and silk sheets. 

"Where am I?" I ask myself. 

I do not answer.

 "Welcome to my humble abode" I turn to the voice in the dark corner of the room. Lo and behold, Dream walks straight from the shadows towards me. I do a quick sweep of the room, looking for any exits to find Dream standing in front of the only one.

"This is where you'll be staying for the foreseeable future." 

"Really? Aren't I supposed to locked up in chains? I'm your prisoner aren't I?" I say holding up my free from any from of restraint. 

"Upon contrary belief, I'm no savage animal. You will be living as any other citizen does in my land, under my protection."

"I am no citizen of yours."

Ignoring my comment he proceeds with, "And as for the chains, I could always make that arrangement if that's what you'd like." 

I roll my eyes, "Repulsive". 

"Your idea, not mine." He starts walking back towards the door, unlocks it, of course it's locked, and before he leaves I say "What do you want with me Dream, I'm practically useless to you."

"Don't underestimate your influence on this war (Y/N), you my very well be the perfect pawn." walking out the door he adds, "make sure to get some rest, I don't feel like stitching up that leg again." he closes the door and locks it from the other side. 

What the hell am I supposed to do with that? The perfect pawn? 

The more I try to interpret what Dream said the more exhausted I get. A few more hours of sleep wouldn't hurt anyone. I sink into the bed, blankets consuming me with warmth. My breathing slows as I quickly fall in to a deep sleep.  


"(Y/N), (Y,N), wake up!" I jolt awake to someone shaking me. 

"What! Jesus Christ!" I look up to find Eret looming above me. "Get away" I back into the headboard.

"Relax, It's just me" 

"Yeah, I know." He holds up a hand to his heart, 

"I'm hurt." I rolled my eyes at his theatrics. 

"What are you doing here? You're going to get me in trouble!"

"I'm here to free you." A spark of joy and relief lit up in me which was quickly overshadowed with wariness. 

"You really think I'm going anywhere with you? You work for them now." I scowl at him, remembering his betrayal in clear detail. 

"I'm so so sorry (Y/N), I wish I never double crossed you, it was a mistake." 

"A big fucking mistake," I added. 

"I know I know, you don't have to forgive me but just please let me help you, who knows what Dream and his goonies will do to you here." 

He is right, I'm probably better off with Eret then I am with anyone else here. I need to get out of here now. "Fine" 

A smile I know all too well spread across his face 

"(Y/N) and Eret back together again!" 

"We are not "together", this is a work relationship only. Working on getting us the hell out of here."

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