Independence or Death Chapter 9

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I look up to find myself at two familiar faces.

"Fundy! Tubbo? What are you guys doing here, it's not safe here, Dream could be back any minute!"

"Don't worry about him, we've got it all under control," Fundy says coolly.

"Come on (Y/N) we're here to rescue you!"

I waste no time climbing up the ladder to embrace in my friends.

"Long time no see ay bee boy?" I ruffle the boys hair.

"What about me?" Fundy complains. Although he is older in age, he is no more mature than Tubbo.

"Good to see you too buddy." I smile, being reunited with my friends has given me a much needed pick me up.

"Let's get out of here before Sapnap wakes up, I gave him a sleeping potion that only lasts for three minutes."

"I can't wait to go back to L'manburg, it feels like its been so long since I've seen everyone!"

"About that," Tubbo says, "We are going to take a slight detour, Wilbur wanted us to meet with him at Tommy's embassy first to ensure your ultimate safety."

"Oh, he'll be so excited to see you!"

"Yeah, the man's gone a little coo coo without you around, if you know what I mean."

"Well, we best get going then."

On the way back Tubbo and Fundy give me a rundown of what has happened since I've been gone.

"After the ambush, we lost most of our resources. It was a pretty big blow." Tubbo looks at the ground, no doubt remembering what Eret did to us.

picking up where Tubbo left off, Fundy says, "Things have been pretty quiet since then. Of course, until yesterday when Wilbur arranged a meeting with Dream.

"You're telling me you guys have barely enough resources to protect yourselves and Wilbur is meeting with Dream?"

Is this where dream had to go earlier?

"Are they meeting right now? Where are they?" I quicken my pace towards L'manburg. If they aren't meeting at Tommy's embassy, L'manburg has to be the safest place that Wilbur would choose to face Dream.

"We should really wait for Wilbur and Tommy at the embassy,"

I turn to face Tubbo, "What did you say?"

Histhe color in his face dissapears at the realization of what he said.


"Good going," Fundy mumbles. 

With a burst of rage mixed with worry, I walk faster towards my home. Why the hell would Will drag Tommy into something like this? It's not safe for him! What was he thinking!

We reach the stairs that lead to L'Manburg's doors. That's when a huge blow blasts me backwards. I sit up, coughing as billows of smoke infest my lungs. I stand to get a better look at what happened. There's a clearing in the smoke, I crane my neck to get a look and what I see horrifies me.


Wilbur's Pov

I look at Dream with disgust, he really thinks we are going to give in that easily!

"Independence or death. If we get no revolution, then we want nothing. We would rather die then give in to you and join your SMP."                                                                                                                    

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