Raid Chapter 1

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AN: hey everyone this first chapter is just introducing (Y/N) and explaining her backstory (which will be important later on in the plot) we will start to meet a lot more of the characters in the next chapter. I hope you enjoy! :)
It was a a summer day with a nice breeze in the air, it was the prime day for hunting. I was walking through the woods with Jonathan, my best friend practically since birth. We were hunting for rabbits to bring home to our village in the plains.

This is my first time hunting on my own, well without my parents. I'm only ten years old but where I live you either learn to hunt or starve and I'd much rather go with the first option. John insisted that he come with me so he can "show me the ways of the hunt" even though he is only a couple years older than me, iv'e got to admit he's got more experience then me. He's only 13 but towers over me, he has curly brown unruly hair and a perfect smile that shows off his white somewhat pointy teeth. If you've never met him he might seem a little intimidating because of his absurd height and crimson colored eyes, but deep down he is a real softy.

"Don't focus too much on seeing the animal, your eyes will deceive you. Close your eyes and listen for your prey."
He advised brining his hands up to my eyes, blinding them so I couldn't see.
"Hey cut it out," I say swiping his hands away from my face.
He chuckles as I close my eyes trying to concentrate on the sounds around me still taking his advice.
That's when I hear a loud rustling in the bushes to the right of us. I can tell that it's to loud and big to be a rabbit. I open my eyes and carefully stalk over to the sound, I draw back my bow in my shaky hands silently cursing myself for being so bad handling the weapon. Ready to shoot, I see a little head with blonde, unkept hair pop out from the bush. I let out an exhale, loosening my grip on the bow.

"Tommyyyy you scared me, I thought you were some rabid wolf! I could have shot you!" I scold him dragging out my little brothers name in complaint for sneaking up on us.

"Ha sure like you could even hit me with that thing." He says nodding the the weapon in my untrained hands. God this child is seven years old and is brutally annoying.

"What are you even doing here aren't you supposed to be with dad farming carrots?" I say to him ignoring his remark on my poor archery skills.

"Farming is so boringgg." He complains, "I snuck out to the real action."

"Ugh fine but I don't want to get in trouble if mom and dad get mad at your for sneaking out again."

"Yay!" He says now in a cheery mood happy to not have to be farming with our dad.
His smile then drops and turns into a scowl when he sees who is walking up behind me. I roll my eyes at his reaction. Him and Jonathan have never gotten along much, I have no idea why, it's probably just a overprotective brother thing.

"Hey sunny did you get it?" John says using the nickname he made for me, then stops when he sees my little brother with me. "Oh who brought along the child?" I hear him snort.

"Hey I am not a child! You take that back! I am a man!!" Tommy argues.
I audibly sigh knowing that today will be a long day with the two of them, "Come on we should get going, I want to get a rabbit before it gets too dark out." I say trying to ease the tension between the two.
We are walking back to our plains village, after a long day of bickering and trying to hunt. Nonetheless is was somewhat successful, I had a rabbit hung over my shoulder and Tommy was eating some berries he picked from earlier in the day. The sun was starting to set and I know we are close to home based on the familiar smell of pies and muffins that's in the air. Then the smell changed from the comfort and familiarity of home to, burning? I heard screams and screeches coming from our village. I shot a look towards my friend and the three of us run to the commotion to try and find our parents.

We break through the trees into the clearing to find our village almost entirely burnt down. Pillagers, our village is being raided by pillagers. Those ruthless bastards.

I grab Tommy's hand, keeping him close to me as we navigate through the chaos to our home, hoping it's still standing.

I freeze when I see the sene that's laid out in front of me. Our parents are being shoved out of our house, three pillagers surrounding them, forcing them to watch as they burn down our home.

I can only guess what will happen next and I quickly move my hands to cover my brothers eyes, my stomach churning as I watch my family get slaughtered, knowing I can't do anything about it. I felt powerless.

I let out a stifled sob, "Come on Tommy, we have to find Jonathan." I say as I try to drag Tommy away from the gruesome scene, making sure he doesn't have to see our parents lifeless bodies on the ground and our burning home.

"What's going on (Y/N)?" He says to me with worry in his eyes.

"We have to leave, its not safe here for us anymore." I say trying my mask the fear in my voice.

I search for Jonathan hoping he is still alive.
"SUNNY!" I hear and make a full 180 to find the only person who calls me that.

"Jonathan! Come on we have to go!" I yell to him relief with finding him alive.

We start running back into the forest to escape the raid, we start to reach the tree line when I hear a cry of pain from behind me.
I look back and see my best friend, on the ground gripping his leg which has an arrow sticking out of it.

Another arrow whizzes by skimming my cheekbone. I feel the warm blood start to trickle down my face as I look up to see where the arrows came from

Two pillagers chasing after us. I freeze, my heart is bearing out of my chest. We have to keep running or we will die, but John is hurt and can barely stand. My mind is racing, not knowing what to do.

"Please (Y/N), don't leave me," Jonathan pleads looking up at me with streaks of salty liquid running down his face.

I glance over to my side where Tommy is, holding my hand, I need to get him out of here, I need to make sure he is safe. Tommy is the only real family I have left.

I turn my head back towards my friend, tears already streaming down my face I choke out, "I'm sorry Jonathan, please forgive me, I have to save him."

He looks at me with fear and hurt in his eyes. I turn, not being able to see him like this and start running, knowing if we stay a second longer it will be one of our last.

I leave my best friend to the mercy of the pillagers as I try to block out the thoughts of what they might do to him.
After what feels like hours of running I finally decide it's safe enough to stop, I turn towards my brother engulfing him in a giant hug. Running my hand through his blonde hair, we stand there in each others comfort for a while and I hear him whisper to me, "I want to go home, (Y/N)."

"We don't have a home anymore Tommy, we are on our own now," I say my voice raspy from crying and running all night.
AN: that's the first chapter!!! Let me know how you liked it and if you have any ideas or improvements, keep in mind this is my first story and I am not experienced with this stuff so I would love your thought or suggestions! :)

Remember to make sure you eat and drink something today I love you!!!

-1421 words

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