Thirteen Witches

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"Hello and welcome! St. Edna's has invited you all to join us for our performance of The Seven Powers and to welcome our new staff members to our family and coven." I could hear Lana welcoming the guests from my place at the top of the stair well.

I stood at the back of the line, we were all waiting patiently for our cue.

Mackenzie was the first in line, standing by her lonesome with her head held high..
She'll be performing Ation witch is divination, levitation, apportation, Teleportation, ect.

Ation is used to describe powers that move through space or time.

Olivia stood behind Macks, alone as well..
She will perform Ing which is an active power cell related to calling, cloaking, shielding, clinging, dream or time leaping, ect.

Ing is the power house of all active abilities and usually the most common strain of magic found in a witches DNA..
As common as a grain of sand on a beach.

Sabrina stood next in line alone as well, she will perform Ion.

Ion is the power house of a lot of unusually strong, mental abilities such as Premonition, Confession, Possesion, Projection, Suggestion, and many more..
It's also the base of some active powers such as Deflection, Manipulation, and some others.

Alycia was behind her, to the left of of Dove.

Alycia is performing Um, while Dove has been asked to perform Life.

Ashley stood to my left, behind Alycia.. She would be performing Death by killing a sacrifice of some sort and raising it from the dead.

"What do you have to kill?" I whispered as we were lining up.

"Don't know yet.. Probably easier not to." She shrugged making me smile.

"You don't care. You like it." I grinned.

"I know." She smirked.

"Girls!" Chirped a sultry voice as Dove's Aunt appeared in front of the staircase. "I can't tell you how happy I am to see you all, it's been to long."

"Thanks for coming Aunt Stevie, (Y/n) and I really appreciate the support." Dove smiled as wide as her face would allow as we all gathered around our favorite white witch.

I didn't really have a lot of family before coming to St. Edna's and at the time Aunt Stevie had still been on the council, she came to watch over me, pretty much like my wiccan social worker.

She once told me that she would have claimed me as her daughter if it weren't for Dove, the girl who grew up rich with famous parents.

There was hardly a charity that her parents didn't help to organize or find cause for, all the while maintaining moral value.

However, as well and good that Dove turned out, it doesn't take away from the fact that her super nice parents were still just pictures on the walls and television in her very empty house.

She'd never even had real friends until coming to St. Edna's, but she knew plenty of Spanish from the house keepers which bonded her to our lovely herbology specialist at the time, Selena.

Stevie took care of both of us at the academy, it was as if we were her own daughters and she still visits us all the time, always showing up when we need her most. I was beyond happy that she came to see us perform.

"Dovely, did I see the company car outside?" Auntie asked with a sly kind of look as Dove's face lit up.

"My dad's here?" She asked happily, trying to peek into the grand hall.

Mostly Lauren Jauregui Where stories live. Discover now