Who Are You Again?

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(305)276-0996: 2:13pm
Hey, I got your number from a friend. I think you're really sweet and I kind of wanted to talk to you a little more.

(786)460-4604: 2:27pm
I dont know who this is. I dont have friends that give my number to strangers and I haven't met any new people lately

(305)276-0996: 2:29pm
Oh, sorry. My name is Hanna though, what's yours? If its all the same with you, I wouldnt mind talking to you anyway.

(786)460-4604: 3:08pm
I dont think I'm the girl you were looking for Hanna but I'm (Y/n). So who were you looking for?

(305)276-0996: 3:11pm
(Y/n)? Thats pretty. I believe that there are no coincidences, I got your number for a good reason.

(786)460-4604: 3:17pm
I hope so. So.. Tell me some things about you? I mean, I dont want the chat to get dry so we should get to know each other a little bit.

(305)276-0996: 3:21pm
Well, I live in Florida for now but my dad travels alot so I'm usually all over the states. Right now, I think we're on our way to Nevada but I'm not sure what part.

(786)460-4604: 3:30pm
Thats kind of exciting, have you been there before? I lived in Carolina growing up but we haven't left Florida since we moved about three years ago. :/

(305)276-0996: 3:32pm
I guess that would be kind of boring, at least you still have a beach, right? We came to Vegas once but it was only for a night and I didnt get to gamble or anything, I had just turned eighteen so it was a while ago.

(786)460-4604: 3:40pm
Wait, so how old are you? I'm only nineteen until (y/b/d).

(305)276-0996: 3:42pm
I'll be turning twenty-two in June, so BlackJack here I come. ;)

(786)460-4604: 3:53pm.
I'm not sure if I know how to play blackjack, I'm alright at poker though. Do you know how to play?

"Who are you talking to?" One of my best friend's, Jackson, asked.

"Hanna.." I shrugged. "She just started texting me today."

"We know a Hanna?" Morgan asked, after coming back from tossing her food.

We had been at the mall for an hour or so and had finally sat down to eat.

"I don't think so, unless Leo or Ryla gave out my number, I think she just texted me on accident." I answered, knowing that none of my friends would have given my number to a stranger.

(305)276-0996: 3:56pm
I've never really had time to learn.Would you teach me when I come back to Miami?

(305)276-0996: 3:56pm
Well, Florida.

(786)460-4604: 4:10pm
You live in Miami? That's cool I guess, I've never been

(305)276-0996: 4:14pm
Yeah, but I think my parents are selling the house soon. Dad doesnt want to live in the city anymore because of work and mom always wanted a bigger house.

(786)460-4604 4:27pm
Who doesn't?

(305)276-0996: 4:29pm
I guess, so what are you up to over there anyways?

(786)460-4604: 4:32pm
Hanging out with a few friends at the mall.
*insert photo*

(305)276-0996: 4:38pmWow, all of your friends kind of look like models

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(305)276-0996: 4:38pm
Wow, all of your friends kind of look like models. Which one are you?

(786)460-4604: 4:44pm.
Lol, yeah right maybe Ryla does, I look like a potato. *insert selfie*

(305)276-0996: 4:46pm
Thats one HOT potato ;)

(786)460-4604: 4:52pm
New phone. Who dis?

(305)276-0996: 4:54pm
Lol I'm serious. You're really beautiful, (Y/n).

(786)460-4604: 5:01pm
I think you're on drugs, Hanna XD jk but really, I'm not even pretty. A lot of people that know me call me Ugly Duckling or Ugly Betty and for the most part it's to my face.

(305) 276-0996: 5:03pm
Thats stupid, they're probably jealous. You're seriously beautiful babe, don't let those shits tell you otherwise.

(305)276-0996: 5:04pm
I'd send some selfies but my camera is shattered and I need a new phone. I'm supposed to get one when we come back though.

786)460-4604: 5:13pm.
When do you come back?

305)276-0996: 5:15pm.
I come back in three weeks for a week and then two weeks after that, I come back for at least a month, hopefully more if we move soon.

(786)460-4604: 5:21pm.
Sounds busy busy.

305)276-0996: 5:26pm.
It can be nice sometimes being on the road but I miss my friends and my dog, my brother usually stays home with him when we're gone for too long, so I kind of miss him too.

(786)460-4604: 5:29pm.
I love dogs, I have a pit/boxer puppy named Lucia, she lives with me in my apartment.

(305)276-0996: 5:31pm
It's just you and Lucia? No roommates?

(786)460-4604: 5:38pm
My friend Morgan stays when her and her boyfriend argue but yeah, It's usually just me, Luli, Bernie Mac, and Jafar, who are my cats.

(305)276-0996: 5:40pm
Pics or it didnt happen.

(786)460-4604: 5:43pm
Lucia and Bernie like to cuddle sometimes, Jafar is the one that looks like he hates you and everyone you've ever known, hes actually kind of sweet once he warms up to you.
*insert photos*

(305)276-0996: 5:46pm

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(305)276-0996: 5:46pm.
Okay, for a second I thought you were going to be the cutest thing I saw today but that cat is so fat and cute!! And they always cuddle like that?! Jafar actually looks very regal, what a handsome gent.

786)460-4604: 5:52pm.
Yeah, Lucia lost a litter right before we got her fixed and I brought Bernie home that weekend, so she's always treated him like her son. They cuddle all day and sometime they'll play but Lucia is almost five and Bernie is three now. So my little ones aren't that playful.

(305)276-0996: 5:54pm.
I have two dogs, my parents have a little dauchsaun and I just got a pug puppy, I named him Pork Rinds bc it was his favorite snack to steal on roadtrips.

(786)460-4604: 5:57pm.
That's actually adorable, my friend named his a stray cat he found Jeffery bc apparently it ate a bird's heart right infront of him once. Not as cute but just as clever.

(305)276-0996: 5:59pm
Thats so funny XD I'm just imagining the most hard looking cat right now named Jeffery Dahmer.

(305)276-0996: 6:01pm
Hey, I have to go. My phone's about to die and I might not be able to charge it for a while.

(786)460-4604: 8:42pm.
Where'd you go?

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