I'll Be There For You: Part II

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I was walking through the hall, daydreaming about (Y/n), when I noticed people were whispering and staring at me a bit more than usual, something about this felt off.

"OH, LAUREN!" A sickly sweet voice called from across the hall, making me turn around. "May I speak with you for a moment?"

It was Alycia..
Of course it was..

She lead me to a side stairwell and stood looking over the banister.

"Hey, Aly-"

"Cut the shit, o'kay?" She declared once we were out of sight and earshot from everyone. "Whatever it is you and (Y/n) said to each other this morning to make her this giddy, I have no idea.. All I know is if it happens again Maia won't mind dismembering you for it. Not one bit, in fact."

I rolled my eyes.

Maia Mitchell..

She and (Y/n) had a thing the summer before their freshman year and all the stories say that Alycia fell for (Y/n) that summer as well and Maia caused a big scene about it.

All I know is the two of them walk around half-cocked and ready to fire at anyone who looks her way.

I respect Alycia, she's a good person, she just trying to help out a friend, but Maia's different.
She has this childish little claim on the girl of my dreams and even if I don't end up with (Y/n) in the end, she'll still have a way better future than Maia Mitchell's future, trophy wife.

"You tell Maia, that (Y/n) can do whatever she so pleases to do, and if it's still a problem, I don't mind taking care of it myself." I said, brushing past the girl, making her sigh.

She was just trying to keep her friend from lashing out, she doesn't care about me in the least, one way or the other.

I had a good feeling about the conversation though, because it meant that either (Y/n) had been talking about me or she had been giving people a reason to talk.

I suddenly had butterflies.
What if this is real?

What if-


"SHH!!FAH!!" I screamed as my ribcage was slammed up against a brick wall beside me.

That seriously fucking hurts!!

"Look, what what've we got! A fuckin' abomination? I mean, look, mate.. Some one really screwed the pooch with you, didn't they?" James laughed, punching me in the stomach while Brad held me against the wall.

They took turns throwing out insults for a minute while James threw punches.

Brad stepped back to throw one while I was still regaining sense from the second blow to my temple, but I took the opportunity to throw him into the wall..

A lot of good it did me though.

James simply smashed my head against the brick to put me out of my misery.

I woke up in the nurses office feeling like a truck ran over my head, but it wasn't all bad..

I had an angel sitting next to me.

"I'm so sorry, Lauren. I shouldn't have just asked you to the dance.. At least not in school, I didn't mean to get you hurt.." A beautiful voice nearly whispered to me.

"Yeah, right.." I scoffed, though my head was throbbing. "They would have done this anyway, (Y/n). It happens all the time. James is jealous that my dick is bigger than his, so he likes to start fights.. I happen to win a lot of them."

Mostly Lauren Jauregui Where stories live. Discover now